Monday, July 7, 2008

Pre President Elect Obama to join the Mile High Club

Senator Obama and the powers that be in the Democratic Party are going to move his August 28th acceptance speech from the Pepsi Center in downtown Denver, ( where the convention is being held) to the much, much larger , open air MILE HIGH STADIUM.
MHS seats 75, 000+ for games ( a pittance by SEC standards!!) but who knows how many it will hold if people can sit on the field, 100, 000+ ? As long time readers of the kyle+blog know, this speech is the 45th anniversary of the I HAVE A DREAM SPEECH. Forty-five years to the day. This night will become the Superbowl, Academy Awards, and MTV music awards all rolled into one. It will be the hottest ticket on the planet. ( Winfrey party of 600? right this way....) 
The contrast with what ever Metamucil sponsored little speech that Senator McCain will try and pull off will be unprecedented. That maybe it is a good move, UNLESS it triggers some sort of major underdog effect.  You just have to ask yourself , well, I have to ask myself, Is this the right move/can it possibly live up to the hype?  Is pure star power what the Democrats want to put out for the country to see?  It's tricky , either way
But, I have been asking myself that about pre President Elect Obama since late last year. I have to admit that a great deal of my passion and interest in this election have gone since my candidate lost. It seems I am not the only one this has happened to. The polls have not really changed all that much since Hillary dropped out, Senator Obama with a small lead .  
I stay glued to c-span for both conventions, I just can not get enough - ( " rules committee meeting?" more popcorn!!) - but , I know , I am very much in the minority on this one. This night will be so very different, the world will be watching. 

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