Sunday, March 8, 2009


now, now, now, now, now, now, now, yesterday......
"President Obama has been in office for SEVEN weeks, why , why, WHY, has he not fixed the economy yet?!? "  ( why-o-why, do I watch Fox news Sunday.....)
Americans want things now, faster than now, we want things before we know we want them, if we have to wait ( WAIT ?!? w.t.f.?...) till we want it, we don't .. want it. Maybe there is nothing wrong with this, from what all the talking heads are saying, it is what makes us Americans. "Everything will be back to a 2007 hunky-dorieness , if ONLY everyone would go take out a Best Buy credit card and get a bigger flat screen tv."
No time to call you on the phone or send off a fast Email, I can text you.... which saves me time to text other people to tell them that I am texting you.... all while playing a video game and listening to the latest downloaded music, while driving a car, fast. ( to go sit in a coffee shop and text one friend while talking to another...)
On a MUCH more personal speedy story... 
I am plodding along, doing the best I can to lose the weight that I gained back , after I lost all this weight. Eating all the healthy, going to Jim's house every other day, walking with Koda a few miles a day. Slow and steady wins the race. It is NOT a whole lot of fun. BUT, I know of two guys, who are NOT that much bigger than me who are going in for surgery, going under the knife, because they need to be thin, well not Walrus sized... NOW NOW NOW. I could have done that.... and I DO NOT know these two guys medical story or ability to move or what ever. But , isn't not eating the bag of Doritos and walking around the block better than : a) not being able to drink beer again !!! and b) major invasive surgery??  ( must have it NOW!)
Let's face it, I have never really been all hopped up on the now... hell, I am still dealing with yesterday . But , it just seems to me, that we , as a nation are hyper concerned with the new-next-now approach to living, and missing the whole point. But what do I know, I spent some time typing this out, when I could have just twittered....

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