1.) Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court , David Souter to step down.
Appointed to the Court by Republican President George H. W. Bush, he usually votes with the more liberal wing on the Roberts court. He currently ranks fourth in seniority among the Associate Justices. On April 30, 2009, NPR reported his intention to retire at the end of the term in June at the age of 69.[1]
Once named by The Washington Post as one of Washington DC's 10 Most Eligible Bachelors,[2] Justice Souter has never married, though he was once engaged.
According to Jeffrey Toobin's book The Nine, Souter has a decidedly low-tech lifestyle. He writes with a fountain pen and does not use email. According to Toobin, Souter has no cell phone, no answering machine, and no television. He prefers to drive back to New Hampshire for the summer.
2.) New Hampshire's Senate passed a bill on Wednesday that would legalize same-sex marriage

A good breakdown of his people whom President Obama ( let me hold on to this feeling for a while.....) will most likely choose from:
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