You know, in a post Rick Perry world, I would not write about this EXCEPT for the shockingly high number.
Nearly one-third of Georgia Republicans would be in favor of leaving the United States.
32%, yeah that's darn close to 1/3erd.
How do you Begin any sort of debate with these people, any sort of communal path forward, when " Ill just take my toys and go home" is their first response. Of course this is just silly people venting on silly polls, but the underlying feeling of " its not my problem" is there. These are the exact same people who would have had the " America, love it or leave it" signs during the 60's. Except now its them that are leaving.
Oh, sure the whole tea-bagger ( the new PC word for right wing nut job) response is "the country left us." Yes, thankfully it did. The whole Senator Spector bru-ha-ha of the last week just proves that as the GOP concentrates down to the more pure - ( really guys, is PURE the word you want to use... as in pure Arian blood??) - form of Conservatism , the movement guys, your Jindals and Palins and the Prime time faux news set becomes more and more powerful. No room for the Romneys and Snows of the party, certainly not the Brooks' or Will branches of conservatism.
Good news for me, the more brownshirt they become the more the country reacts by moving slightly left to disassociate themselves from the hard core right wing of the Republican party. Just look at what happened in the marriage equality movement this past week. As Miss Prejean went off on one tear after another, she solidified the center and left of the country to , for the first time, not be opposed to either civil unions or out and out marriage.
As candidates have to go farther and farther to " out right wing" each other , stupid , time wasting debates over things like SUCCESSION will take up valuable time that needs to be spent on the real problems that OUR COUNTRY is going through.
Let's just think about what would happen if the " GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM" set ( NO TAXES EVER.... blah, blah, blah) had their way AND the United States government was pared down to almost nothing.. when gosh, what do you know , a potential PANDEMIC hits us. QUICK action by the CDC, and lots of Government departments looks to have made this new flu, much less of a threat than it could have been. I'm guessing the countries of TEXAS and Georgia would not have fared so well...

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