Monday, August 23, 2010

March 1965

So, a black guy walks into a klan anti muslim rally , stop me if you have heard the punch line.

March 7th, 1965... not the post you are expecting 40 minutes after Mad Men just went of, where is was March of 1965, and someone on the show even talked about the horror of the Pettus bridge. Yeah, good thing all that sort of nightmare is behind us:

From of all places, The Gawker : " As you can see in the video above, at some point during the rally, a dark-skinned man wearing an Under Armor skullcap and what looks like a necklace with a Puerto Rican flag walked through the anti-"Mosque" crowd. The crowd, astutely recognizing that he was on his way to build the mosque, began to chant "NO MOSQUE HERE" at him. In the video, someone says, "run away, coward." The man turns around, perturbed. "Y'all motherfuckers don't know my opinion about shit," he says. Au contraire, my friend: You are a black man wearing a skullcap, after all! You are definitely a pro-Mosque, anti-freedom Jihadist! Why, aren't you, in fact... Osama Bin Laden??

No, actually, according to the guy who uploaded the video to YouTube, the skullcap-wearing gentleman's name is Kenny and he's "a Union carpenter who works at Ground Zero." Kenny is also—as he points out several times in the video—not a Muslim. (No word on whether or not he voted for Obama, as one of the very reasonable and intelligent-sounding anti-"Mosque" protestors speculates.) But I'll bet you Kenny has been totally convinced about the truth of the Burlington Coat Factory Desecration Community Center. Who wouldn't be? "

" Then they came for the Muslims, but I didn't speak up, because I was not a Muslim..."

My pal Jane sent me a link tonight to a blog post by Roger Ebert, ( yes, the movie guy ) , Please read it : Ten Things I Know About the Mosque.

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