Thursday, January 13, 2011

"never saw the sun, shining so bright......"

 A bone chilling, mustache freezing EIGHT degrees as Koda and I hit the trail early this morning, as blue a sky as you will ever, ever see....
 First pee-mail check of the day...
 Were I Inuit, this would be diamond snow, " the future's so bright I had to wear shades"... too bad it does not photograph well.... sparkle as far as the eye could see.
 We slept through some early morning trauma, as some girl almost made us a new side door, either turning into the park parking lot, or just sliding on some almost zero ice... seen here the wrecker pulling away. Mendon as Mayberry, the wrecker driver is the husband of our pal, the farm stand lady. ( who lost a whole lot of weight on OA this past  year..... yall need to know these things.)
poodle tree

Take it away, Willie:

( Willie Nelson on the k+b.... "his childhood haunted him, in a good way....")

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