Thursday, July 7, 2011

Take a little dip in the CRAZY pool.

Our good pal MIKE RODGERS of blogactive, whose claim to internet fame is outing conservatives,  dead, dead, dead wrong on Mrs. Bachmann getting any blowback from her hating the gays. This is pure red meat to her MANY followers, Jesus hates the queers, common knowledge among her GOPers.

You know, a little bit of the fire has been taken out of me. Winning will do that. The rabid right wing has cranked up the hate and crazy to an Nth degree since the New York vote. Their numbers are getting fewer and fewer so the vile-ness is getting concentrated, like a demi glace. I just have not been writing about it.. because we are winning.

Mark my words on this one, a Federal Ban on Marriage Equality will take center stage and the seven dwarfs gather in Iowa and New Hampshire, BOTH states have same sex marriage right now, which their side just hates, because NOTHING at all bad has happened since the laws were passed. Proof that their side is wrong.

Sarah Palin is a tepid joke of a media whore .
Michelle Bachmann is an evil, dangerous, cunning ( typed that one very slowly ) Machiavellian woman, who thankfully I think is still totally unelectable in a general election, but , she alone can move the GOP so far to the right that who ever does win the nomination will have to pay homage to her.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Actually, this is a bit more "weird sister bait" than the next post...that one will probably appeal more to Beth for her "new words" segment except of course, to her, it's probably not a "new word."

I'm guessing you may have seen my post about Obama now being History's Greatest Monster™ because he hasn't come out and flatly announced that he's supportive of marriage equality, and why I think that it's not imperative OR advisable for him to do that at this point in time. You nail it on the head with your observation that we are quite likely to see some talk in this Republian primary about how we need to pass a federal law against marriage equality (not that we don't already HAVE one - DOMA, anyone?) as a means of whipping up the buford vote in enlightened states like mine - though actually, my state won't be in play anyway because Obama's black. But states narrowly won in 2008, like OH, IN, CO, NC...all of those could be on the line should Obama bend to the will of the purists and make a big speech about how he supports full marriage equality. I can see the ads now, can't you? "Obama's gonna force your church to GAY MARRY all comers, causing God to strike down your church and YOU."

Of course my point was that, since a statement of support by Obama isn't going to gain us any ground - it's not as if by adding his support marriage equality will become law of the land - that it's not the best tactic at this point in time. Add to that that the president has thus far done EXACTLY what he said he would do w/r/t gay rights, hasn't stood in the way of states legalizing equality & etc, and I think the folks who point at his lack of a statement are just plain nuts and are just constantly on the lookout for the many ways in which the president has betrayed them.

In an ironic twist, just a few short days after all this hubbub started up, Obama's justice department went further than even he had ever promised, and instead of simply standing down on DOMA and refusing to defend it, actually went an extra step and filed a brief in a case where a federal employee is suing to get benefits for her wife, arguing that DOMA is unconstitutional and should be struck down.

Now THERE'S an action that could have an impact. DOJ's brief just might impact the outcome of this case, which would send it along the path it has to follow to the Supreme Court, which is where we're going to ultimately have to fight the fight on DOMA. With the added advantage that it's not so easy to turn into a campaign ad. "Obama's justice department filed a brief in a case arguing that your church should have to GAY MARRY all comers..." just doesn't have the same impact as "Obama says he favors gay marriage and is gonna FORCE YOU..." when it comes to riling up the buford brigades.

Besides, I don't believe for a second that Obama isn't already fully on board with marriage equality. It's just that for him to be most effective at helping to bring it about, he can't say that he is. What some see as cowardice I simply see as politically pragmatic, and I'm willing to judge him on his actions rather than on him saying the words I'd like to hear. He's not asking anyone to be patient in achieving equality, but I do believe he's asking that we be patient in hearing him say what we'd like to hear him say - and with good reason.

Because as you say, it's going to be a very anti-gay GOP primary. Let's face it, they don't have much else to run on, do they?

And BTW - that Dr. Marcus Bachmann sure comes off as a friend of Dorothy to me.