Wednesday, September 7, 2011

debate this

To live blog tonight's GOP debate or not ?
7:40, 20 min till Reaganpalooza starts ( no! I loved him more, bitch ) Gwen just told me there will be eight on stage, lets see if I can name all eight.
  1. PRick Perry
  2. Mitt Romney
  3. Michelle Bachmann
  4. Newty
  5. The Pizza Guy
  6. FROTHY is still in it
  7. Huntsman
  8. not the gay guy- they won't let him, not Tpaw- he is out.... who am I missing ???ahhhh... good old bat shit crazy Ron Paul !  So, there , I could name them.
7:53 WTF is MSNBC doing with Peggy Noonan and Michael Steele doing on the pre game panel?!?  I WANT all bleeding from the eyes liberals at all times!!!


 Perry is up first... man, is he rehearsed! He is very blue. Did not say anything, and seemed ..odd
Mitt... Looks much better than PRick Perry, still very blue, I wonder why?  Mitt knows much more about the economy that the President, because he lived it... as a FREAKING ZILLIONAIR. " How much is a gallon of milk, Gov.Romney ? "

Here is my big bitch of the night.. They get to say ANYTHING they want, with no one at all backing them up ... facts mean nothing anymore.

Mitt and PRick getting all catty!  ME-OW !!
Frothy is saying something...... zzzzzzzzzz
WHY is Pizza guy there... national sales tax... VERY fair to the poor....
Huntsman.. ( who millions and millions came from his Dad inventing the McDonalds clam shell serving thing...) is a very handsome man.... very tan. Dear god, this is such a freaking circle jerk/love fest. 

Michelle.. Bring some crazy big girl, dont let us down. ( she is not having a good hair tonight ) Obamacare....zzzzz . 5 bio and 23 part time kids!

Oh, Ron Paul... you can always bring the big crazy. We don't need no stinking FDA to manage drugs! 
Wow.. Newty is still in the race, and has had some sort of odd botox or something.. and is there to carry PRick Perry's water, I guess.  Got his GIVE ME CASH website in! Newt is so fucking tired.

Its moving too fast to keep up with things ...Repeal OBAMA care, and Neil just yelled at me for yelling at the tv.

FROTHY 'the poor! He has done more for poor folks than anyone!!

I may have to stop watching... Newty is making me sick...

This is just unwieldy...and getting a little bit embarrassing to watch.
( but Ron Paul wants to bring back the silver standard and he and PRick both know that getting rid of the minimum wage will help the poor! )

8:42  and a break.. and I NEED IT.. eight is just TOO MANY for a debate.. when half of them are just there to be batshit crazy...

PRICK PERRY IS A DANGEROUS CRAZY MAN!.. this just got very exciting.. he wants to end social security NOW!

 9:19 I stopped with the live blogging, it just became too much.. too many people, all with the look at me, look at me, and you know they all think that GOD wants them to be President, so there are some ego issues.

We just ended round three or what ever with some wacko wacko immigration talk.. BUILD THAT WALL to protect us from Mexico said in the Reagan Library.. Irony not lost on anyone...

Huntsman tried, tried to bring up science... no avail.

9:49 and its all over... I am NOT making this up.. but one of, if not THE biggest applause line of the night was PRick Perry being proud of his record of killing the most folks! YES, Execution was the hit of the night!

This was just a big old waste of time.. and it will stay that way until it is just Mitt and PRick Perry . The battle lines were drawn for sure.. black and white. Tea Party PRick v ... what, all those moderate Republicans out there? Mitt was asked outright if he was a tea partier and he chose to say no. The Governor of Texas is going to be out and proud ( and loud ) for the CRAZY that is in all the headlines , and Mitt is just hoping to skip under the rug and hope that his post New Hampshire bounce can trump his religion in the Deep South.
It is early September 2011..... November 2012 is a long way off... but the k+b is back in campaign mode kiddies! 

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