The msm dutifully followed Senator McCain to his old high school the other day, Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Va. Class of 1954.. ( not that there is anything wrong with that.. but damn!) He is coasting pretty well these days as the Democrats beat the hell out of one another. He is/was the darling of so many of the inside Washington media for so long, cause A) he had been there for ever and B) he is a genuinely nice /social guy. BUT he is , at least for now getting a big ole pass: {Example}
sidebar: to msnbc ( I know all of the lessers at 30 rock are big fans of the kyle+blog) GIVE RACHEL HER ON SHOW!!!!
In all fairness , here is Senator Obama's senior class page as well, Panahou School in Honolulu. I could not make it as big as McCain, so I am linking.
Top 5 songs from 1954
- Rock Around the Clock-Bill Haley and the Comets
- Shake, Tattle and Roll -Joe Turner
- Earth Angel-Penguins
- Sh-Boom-Chords
- That's Alright -Elvis Presley
- Another Brick in the Wall-Pink Floyd
- London Calling -The Clash
- Rappers Delight-Sugar Hill Gang
- Good Times -Chic
- Don't Stop till you get Enough-Michael Jackson
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