"I hope you know, that this will go down on your permanent record"
I'm pretty sure I have been banned from posting comments over on AMERICA blog. Which is too bad, I enjoy debate! What pushed them over the edge was something close to this:
" IT WAS NOT HIS FAULT! How could he have won when those evil evil Clintons said such mean things about him, Those horrible CLINTONS hate Democrats, and were mean to Barack. It had nothing to do with his uber liberal stands on , well, everything , in a moderate country, or his youth or his inexperience. NO! It was all the CLINTONS fault" - ( ooops, did I just post that, I meant to wait till November 3erd) "
It was posted for a short while, but then went away, they are getting bitter. I am the disloyal one, ME, the man who drove, from Milledgeville, GA. to Winder , GA. without! any beer ( yeah, like Paul, Laura and I could ever think ahead .. no beer sold on election day....) to vote for Walter Mondale! ME! ,who was proud to vote for Michael Dukakis ( Kitty and the listerine were no problem for me, I had YEARS of Mrs. Fred hiding bottles under my belt) They delete/ban me, but leave some guy going on and on about how easy it will be for Senator Obama to take TEXAS in November . Crazy is as crazy does. I'll lie low for a few days, see if they calm down.
bad kyle, bad !
1 comment:
Nor did we think ahead to wear long pants riding in a convertable in November at night (it was 2pm, warm & we were cute when we started this venture) let alone did we have the forethought to apply for or vote an absentee ballot! Much more fun to road trip.
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