Everyone wants him, at long last a new man for all the ages.
Senator Obama appears to belong to what ever generation he is viewed from, astute readers of the kyle+blog know that I have covered this before. But, it just keeps popping up, so, lets recap:
- baby boom generation: 1946-1964
- generation Jones: 1954-1964
- generation x :1965-1982
- generation y "the millennnals" :1983-1994
Senator Obama's birthday is August 4th, 1961, so , just take your pick. ( The whole generation jones thing is a new concept, it's sort of the buffer between the two baby booms, the thin part of the hour glass , if you will. I do not think it is as long a time period as most do, becuase that leaves the much bally-hood boomers at only nine years. Let's rethink the "jones" thing at say.... 60-65. Sort of post watergate/pre computer age.)
To anyone under 30 he is the MOSES of America, come to save us from the evil that has been heaped upon us by the haggard old crones! Here is an example from a 27 yo phD student from my ex andrewsullivan's blog : (complaining about his parents generation he writes):
"Now that it appears we've reached the limit of unrestrained consumption, they appear more than willing to take their social security checks and medicaid benefits and ride into the sunset, leaving in their wake a bankrupt, increasingly desparate younger generation. They even have the gall to claim that we're the generation of narcissists! In my mind, the struggle between Clinton and Obama lays bare this generational conflict. Unfortunately, we do not have the demographics on our side, and I'm afraid that our struggle will ultimately be unsuccessful. I'm afraid that by the time a pragmatic, problem-solving leader like Obama reaches the White House, we'll be beating ourselves over the heads with our guns (bullets having become an expensive luxury) in a vain attempt to protect our local community's water supply."
Yes, Mad Max is on his way.
"Obama also recognizes that voters do not just want change -- they want a new type of politics (a theme he has emphasized since ABC's tabloid debate). This is why Obama has tried to steer away from the confrontational politics of the Clinton-Bush era, but has not dodged the taboos that the prior generation assiduously avoided from the death penalty to Social Security. Unlike his opponents, Obama understands that the method is part of the message -- change.
Historically, "the torch has passed" to a new generation when an energetic challenger faced a ruling generation that had simply lost its steam (although this spirited campaign has demonstrated Boomers still have plenty of steam) or one whose governing paradigm was repudiated by the voters as with Franklin Roosevelt's 1932 landslide rejecting the disastrous laissez-faire policies of that era"
Historically, "the torch has passed" to a new generation when an energetic challenger faced a ruling generation that had simply lost its steam (although this spirited campaign has demonstrated Boomers still have plenty of steam) or one whose governing paradigm was repudiated by the voters as with Franklin Roosevelt's 1932 landslide rejecting the disastrous laissez-faire policies of that era"
I have come to the conclusion ( getting banned from Americablog was the last straw) that it is in NO WAY Senator Obama that I do not like. It's his wack-job overzealous followers who chap my rapidly approaching ( yes, I said it rapidly APPROACHING) middle age hide. Im just sort of an anti band-wagon guy, a curmudgeon of a Joneser.
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