Monday, April 21, 2008


A little Monday morning Broadway for those that need it. ( America.....)
SO!  At freaking last , tomorrow is the showdown in Philly, the Thrilla in Pittsburgh, the clash of the titans in Bryn Mawr. The long awaited Pennsylvania primary, with both sides chomping at the bit. I've been laying off the politics on here, because , well, nothing has been going on .. and its been baseball season... But, tomorrow should kick things back up into high gear. The barage of ifs and what ifs and whys can pour down like honey dew vine water from heaven starting as early as they want to tomorrow.
  • IF Hillary doesn't win by enough
  • IF Barack can not take a big state with only a primary
  • Will the Clinton camp have any money left
  • Can the Obama steamroller  (?) connect with Joe-sixpack 
In a moment of weakness I wondered on to the response pages on Americablog yesterday and broke the cardinal rule of left-leaning blogging and simply asked " why does she have to quit, why cant he just win?"  Lord, you would have thought I was stabbing kittens on christmas morning in the children's ward of the local hospital. The orthodoxie of the hard left is out and not happy that anyone would dare NOT give them what they want when they want it! That bitch and her , surprisingly, cheating husband. Since there is really not a hair's breadth of difference between the two leading candidates on anything having to do with policy, they are attacking Senator Clinton on President Clinton: many many mentions of Monica and the whole mess, and this from the LEFT. America... America.
Somehow this silly pic, real or photo shopped , just sums it all up for me. "We won't let anything like facts get in the way of what we are pissed off about, or Who we want to be President. All the popular kids are angry these days....."

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