Wednesday, April 23, 2008

eats shoots and leaves

The power of the headline. 
Protesters outnumbered at gay bishops book event.
A line from the Lebanon, Pa. newspaper where Bishop Gene -going to England anyway- Robinson gave a talk and a book signing. Now as someone was was sort of on the very distant peripheries of the whole getting Gene elected and sworn in happenings ( Neil was at both and giving me real time information as to what was going on as I watched filtered through cnn and the faux news set), I know how things can be twisted. So, when you read that headline, I for one, picture masses of people yelling at each other from the other sides of police barricades.
Two of which are a couple that do nothing but ride around and rant and rave over the coming gay menace. SO, yes, the four hard core bigoted nut jobs were OUTNUMBERED by all the people who attended the event and the pro Robinson people there. You can find FOUR people to be against giving coats to the cold or Mothers day. 
If it bleeds , it leads, and if you can stir up controversy where none exists you sell newspapers, at least to those four pin heads.

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