Monday, April 28, 2008

The View from Sore Loser Alley

Albert Mohler, the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, reads the Sunday New York Times. 
"I'll take there is a waste of good newsprint for 1000$, Alex." I don't really want to link to his response to yesterdays NYT story, but read if you must. A much better take is the wonderfully readable Joemygod, for the the highlights. Let me just use a quick money quote : ( Mr. Mohler writes:)
"Denizet-Lewis's article raises at least one final thought. If the legalization of same-sex marriage is changing homosexual culture, is it also changing heterosexual marriage? We can only wonder how long it will take for some heterosexual couples to decide that "emotional fidelity" and "sexual fidelity" can be separated."
REALLY, DUDE? Just how bad was the mans tongue bleeding when he left his computer?( or Laura Ingalls-esque slate board). Because we all know that there is no cheating, no divorce, no IN-fidelity at all in his world. I'm so tired of these dinosaurs passing for human.

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