Monday, May 23, 2011

How to end a fledgling Presidential run in thirty minutes or less.

Herman Cain is his name and he rode on the Danville train....

The joys of allergy season, round two. Kicking my ass coming and going, and totally screwing my my sleep... making me just a joy to be around. Late, late last night, Neil, Koda and Kiara all tucked in, Fox News replayed their Sunday morning show " SOFTBALL QUESTIONS to GOP wanna bee's", or what ever they call the show. Hosted by the shame of the House of Wallace, Chris. 

Just announced Presidential candidate Herman Cain makes his first stop at the batters box of love. You want to run for elected office in this country and DON'T have a reality show ? Start with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA... just dive right in that deep end of that pool, Mr. Cain.. Goodness knows running a second tier pizza chain gives you all the know how you need to run the free world in these easy as pie, calm times we are living in.

OK, this was as not ready for Prime Time of an interview as I have ever seen. SHOCKING in how bad it was. Or maybe just SHOCKING that the GOP is in such dire straights that this man is being taken as a serious candidate. His first lob over the plate was on the economy, and he went off on the proven failed lower taxes/trickle down bull shit of the rich getting rich and the poor getting children , We the Koch Brothers blather that is the GOP in 2011. AND THEN, after saying the mantra, says, " Well this is my plan, but it wont work now, but it would have then.

Then , one day , post the Apocalypse, and a few days past the real POTUS putting forward a VERY good starting point for some Israeli / Palestinian truce, Mr. Cain TOTALLY dropped the ball. Watch for yourself : 

This man that wants to be President of the United States: has NO IDEA what the right of return is... total deer in the headlights moment. Seriously American media, you have GOT to stop covering these fools that are using a run for President, with NO money, to better their time slot on Fox News. Herman Cain wants to be the new Glen Beck, not the new Barack Obama !

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