Saturday, May 14, 2011

No, really, I am not bitter.

Hate is not a family value.
 ( So, I cant be hatin' )

Ok, the backstory. 
If you are a reader of the k+b you should know what NOM is. They are godhatesfags light and are rolling in Mormon and Roman Catholic dollars. Out in the Midwest they have had these bus tours, in big painted VOTE FOR ME NOW buses, stirring up the Jesus crowd with promises of 40 virgins or something, if the homos are kept down. It worked in Ohio, so they got them a bus for New York. ( New York is NOT Ohio )

The  NY bus goes out on these day trips. ( I do believe that bus/van/camper is based out of somewhere near Rochester..) BUT, they do not really advertise where they are going to be so they can get in, spew hate, hop back on the bus and sin no more. When the news broke of their little summer of non love bus tour I went up and down ever aisle of the internet looking for the tour dates but could not find any... under the radar hate is best in the Empire State.

So, out good pal Todd sends out a RAINBOW ALERT ! ( really that is what he calls them.. he is an ex high muckity muck with the Empire State Pride Agenda, has his finger on the pulse, etc ..) Friday Morning that the bus will be pulling up to Senator Jim Alesi's FAIRPORT New York Office that very afternoon! Fairport is just a couple of towns over, and I have just been chomping at the bit for these freaks to make a local appearance. BUT! Neil is out of town ( working , again, for his Jesus, not these folks' Jesus ) and I had to take Myrte/ L&H  to the Buffalo airport that very same afternoon and COULD NOT MAKE IT OVER TO THE PROTEST!!!!

But I knew that Todd and the head lesbians would whip up a quick little group to at least get a few cat calls in. I was at peace with it.. UNTIL that evening when their photo got posted on JMG! and AND turns out , they got FREE PIZZA.
Free Pizza and a shout out from my bffblogger buddy, all in one afternoon, but I am not bitter....
on my new non apple keyboard I can not post other peoples facebook pics, so you have to go to the link

The only media coverage was YNN, which is NY1 for the rest of New York . (It is a 24 hour local news station). HERE is a link to their story... I can not figure out how to put the video on my page, so watch there. No one, zippo, nada person that did not ride in on the bus came to hear their little dog and pony show, not one. There were more protesters than NOM folk. 
I do love their message of " can't breed/can't marry " so, fertility tests will be given to all women wanting to get a marriage licenses. Hopefully in the coming weeks they will make another stop around the Finger Lakes and I can be there ...

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