Friday, May 6, 2011

Now and Forever

it is ON baby!

Did you feel it ? That incredible crackle of energy, that intense wave of power sweeping the nation , coming out of sleepy little Greenville , South Carolina, like some Ayn Rand driven choo-choo? No? slept through it ? Too swept up in the loss of the loud guy on the Idol to really care? ( or if like a dear friend just told me, her house does not get Fox News! ) Never fear dear readers, your trusted blog staff here at the k+b LIVES for this sort of low level trench politics, and here is what you missed:( or at least half of what you missed, I got board and went over the TRHW of NY at half time )
  • The GOP's answer to Ralph Nader, Congressman Ron Paul. Who brought ALL his Deadhead like follows to South Carolina's sixth largest city, ( but as they are so proud of saying, it is the largest of the Greenville-Mauldin-Easley metropolitan statistical area ) He instantly sank to the bottom of the Iowa "I Jesus more than you do " primary by chucking Israel under the bus, and saying he does not give a rats ass about homo marriage. The man is nuttier than a payday bar with a fan base that puts Justin Beaver to shame. I love him. 
  • Alan Keys Herman Cain. Georgian, Morehouse Man, owned Godfathers Pizza, or something. Big money man, knows where a lot of bodies are burried ( Godfathers' pizza ?!? ) Running for President as a career builder. God bless America.
  • Some white guy. No, not really , its TIMPAW people! The next of the last of the great white hopes to pour out of Minnesota. Would not even win his own state GOP primary. Can you raise money to run for Vice President on a losing ticket ?
  • Frothy Mix. Who is running for Chaplin of the Birch Society or something. The reason you don't have a job and gas prices are so high : gays and abortion. The capital of Kansas : gays and abortion. " How are you feeling today Senator Santorum ?" gays and abortion. 2+2 = gays and abortion. ( See President Pat Robertson ) All hate all the time, and pictures holding the dead baby.... been there done that, next
  • Some white guy that even I had to google. He is former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson. Talked about smoking a lot of dope and climbing mountains, seriously, IN South Carolina. Cue Wicked : "You're having delusions of grandeur "

I will give it to Fox news there really were some good questions asked last night by the panel. But everyone to the person kept talking about who was NOT there, not the merits of those that were there. No BIG GUNS... No Donald Trump, No Sarah Palin, No Newt ( he has one name now, like Cher and Snookie )
More to come , y'all now that I pretty much sleep until a good election season, and this one is looking to be the craziest , ever.

Andy is a Beast's take ( with some OH SO not coached video )

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You would enjoy roy edroso's take on it here:

According to roy: "I only saw the last half, and by it I am put in mind of Yeats' Purgatory: "And she must animate that dead night not once but many times! Oh God," etc. What I saw was a travesty of a mockery of a sham. I should forebear to judge -- maybe Part 1 was like Plato's Symposium -- but the last 45 minutes were just sad."

Also not to miss - comments over there. Some of the funniest people on the internets comment at his blog.

And BTW, I found some more p-shops of the hat and posted them - it looks really good on Patsy Stone.