Saturday, May 21, 2011

There's got to be a morning after...

 Man, I home Michael and the boys are raking in a little cash with ITEOTWAWKI ( aiff ) being over used today. I went the Maureen McGovern route instead. Still on Kiara time , up and out early to a BEAUTIFUL morning. Bright, sunny, not a cloud in the sky..... everything the last two weeks have not been. The grass has just gone wild with all the rain, should be able to mow today
 The Memorial Day flags are already on all the poles in Mendon.
 Sort of the exact opposite of Armageddon.. one would think.
Satan's shrubbery. Not only are they barbed with in an inch of MY life, but this time of year they smell like dead things, or VERY old lady perfume. Jungle Gardenia or Tabu combined with road kill. I have no idea why the folks before us thought a hedge of them would be a good thing to out in the front yard.

1 comment:

b said...

what kind of bush is it?