Monday, June 27, 2011

Turn your watch, turn your watch back, about a hundred thousand years. A hundred thousand years.

LONG time readers might remember that back before I drank the Kool-aid and became a life long solid Obama-tron, that I was a little bit of a Hillary Clinton supporter. It was not only my devotion and admiration of now Sec. Clinton ( then MY Senator  ) BUT the fact that she drove the anti gay right - bonkers. This was back before Sean Hannity knew that he could hate Barack Obama as much or even more than Mrs. Clinton. Nothing on the planet riled up the haters more than the thought of a third Clinton Administration, and I LOVED IT. High cotton, pig in poop, kid/candy store. SKC and a sunny third quarter in Sanford Stadium with bourbon left in Susan's purse, that kind of happy.

SO, imagine my glee this morning to wake up to the collective " minds " of the industry that is anti-gay USA all having a full out two- year- old- in- the- grocery- store melt down. " yeah well, we told you the world was going to end after Canada and Massachusetts ... but this time its real, we mean it!  "

I don't know if it is a personal character flaw or just the pure love of schadenfreude that makes me spend hours happily lost in the comments on the NOM page, or the NY POST or FOX NEWS, these folks are very very unhappy, and I think I am supposed to be at MANY MANY houses today to take away freedoms, teach a sex ed class to pre kindergarten... something.

New York becoming a state that does not discriminate against any of its citizens when it comes to marriage IS damn important. Like I have said before, this is not some Ivy filtered kooky New England right to marry - this is where ALL the national news comes from. At least the news that does not come from Washington DC, which ALSO has marriage equality. This is the third most populated state in the country. AND something that may have slipped my Southern readers mind - just because it is too far fetched to comprehend - the law was passed by a REPUBLICAN led Senate. NY MARRIAGE EQUALITY brought to you by the GOP.

It was not snuck in some huge bill, quick get it in before anyone notices, it was fought over, tooth and nail, over many election cycles, with some mega point headlines. No matter what the right wing wants folks to believe, this was hashed out in the streets of New York, big time. It was also voted into law by Roman Catholics.. which is what scares the dresses off of the Catholic hierarchy . For years American Catholic laity has been in favor of ssm. The powers that be there are losing , and they know it. ( see: contraception )

The question now ,( other than, where will the juggernaut that was the fight for marriage equality turn , now that NY is won ) the question now is where will this lead Barack Obama and the rest of the Democratic party. Some very strange bedfellows here... ( not that the Dems have not always been ) The NYT , so often accused of being the water boy for President Obama goes after him this morning for , well, being a coward when it comes to ssm:
After he took office, it became evident that Republicans intended to portray him as a radical, out-of-touch leftist no matter what he did. Supporting same-sex marriage at this point is hardly going to change that drumbeat, and any voter for whom that is a make-or-break issue will probably not be an Obama supporter anyway. Firm support for gay marriage is, on the other hand, likely to help him among his cheerless base. Mr. Obama opposes the Defense of Marriage Act and is presiding over the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” He signed the United Nations declaration on gay rights, and allowed the Census to count same-sex relationships. But he has been absent from the biggest and most difficult drive of all. 
Public opinion has swung toward acceptance of gay marriage since 2008; five more states and the District of Columbia have lifted marriage bans. Thousands of gay men and lesbians now possess marriage certificates and many former skeptics have come to realize that the moral foundation of the country has been strengthened. It is long past time for the president to catch up. He often criticizes discrimination with the memorable phrase, “that’s not who we are.” Favoring this discrimination should not be who he is. ( the rest )

Over at Americablog they are selling these great t-shirts:

A lovely graduation or wedding gift!

Stick with me here folks, I know you are getting tired of this, and want to go back to some RC fashions and food, WE WILL! I promise. Ya'll know that emotionally blocked Kyle works things out here on this blog. Koda just gets all excited at anything I say at all. Marriage Equality in New York is on the exact same high level of excitement as a new stick or a chipmunk running across the driveway, or getting up to get a second cup of coffee. So, thank you for your patience...

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