Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Updates ALL day long....

stick with me folks, this is going to be really really good, or really really bad.

12:43 - We are going to go with no news is good news. I am just a mess this afternoon.
2:05 - see 12:43
2:20 - Just about at the top of my freak out limit.. really. Rumors are starting to fly. Damn you pill phobia, we have a freaking cornucopia of daddy's little helpers around here...... I'll just take Koda for a nice long walk instead....
4:35 - Things are starting to break... hopefully for the good.
5:20 - sigh... Kyle is a nervous wreck. LOTS and LOTS of folk are saying that we have the thirty second vote AND that they WILL vote tonight. Getting your hopes up this high is just making things worse.
9:19 - I am just wiped out... who knows if they will vote tonight. They really should consider my feelings more thoroughly when deciding these issues.

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