Beth's homemake coconut cake
Beth's homemade chocolate cake
Beth's homemade pear tart
Beth's homemade bourbon pecan pie
( B.Day has become quite the baker)
Leda's homemade cupcakes , that were coffee or something, everyone was loving them, I didn't have one
Mary-Wallace's homemade fruit cake that was just over the top good..
Mary-Wallace's homemade short bread peacn sandy cookies
I think there were other cookies there, I just didnt get to them.
I called Beth and asked should I make a banana pudding or anything... she told me there should he enough desserts.....
Mary Wallace made the pecan pie. I made the pear tart, which nobody ate but me. Lyta's cupcakes are chai tea and a party in your mouth. Recipe is here:
Will post some other recipes today.
I ate some of the pear tart
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