Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Autumn Farm Stand in Horseheads

A fantastic gourd that I found... with some yummy almond cookies with pignolis ( from the great funeral in Horeseheads..) Ya'll know I am a sucker for fancy squash.


b said...

They are beautiful. What's the difference between a gourd and a squash? I put fancy pumpkins at my mailbox this year instead of mums. They'll last longer.

b said...

OK wait -- you stole cookies from a funeral? And there's a town called Horseheads? had to be more than one of them?

Kyle said...

I guess it really is sort of a squash, it was in a big bin full of blue hubbard squash. EVERY Italian event up here puts these HUGE trays of homemade , ( the good ones) Italian cookies and pastries out. You are supposed to take them with you. They were very good.