Monday, November 16, 2009

too late to go back to sleep.......

The gift that keeps on giving.. or is that the blog that keeps on blogging?
Again, back to " We are, We are , We are but your Children ", where I guess I was seeing the future a couple of days back when I wrote : "If you say all the right things and act a certain way, they will let you be gay and still let you come to the birthday parties, but you have to be on your best behaviour - meaning you know, not really all that gay. You are welcome to have your Mark , Rick or Steve... just do not EVER let us know what ya'll do when not dressed alike acting all straight."

Newsweek Magazine enters the fray with this little soon to be fish wrapping article:

Go ahead, read, I'll wait, or I can just break it down for you. Will is good, Jack is bad. And it's the k+b's favorite fictional field goal kickers fault that we lost in Maine. ( that kid from Glee...). Maybe the pride of Stanford, Ramin Setoodeh reads this little hen scratch of a blog , because he wrote this: "Marriage (and the military) are sacred institutions, so it's not surprising that some heterosexuals will defend them against what they see as a radical alteration. But if you want to be invited to someone else's party, sometimes you have to dress the part. Is that a form of appeasement? Maybe. It's not that gay men and women should pretend to be straight, or file down all their fabulously spiky edges. But even Rachel Maddow wears lipstick on TV." Maybe he was still on a high from the 55 points from this weekend, that butch enough for you ??

Let's hop in the wayback machine and go with Mr. Setoodeh's theory.

Mr. Julian Bond with your good looks and light skin.. come on in!
Mr. John Lewis.... ummm, a shade too dark.. do you know Sammy Sosa ?
Get it??

I don't know anything at all about Mr Setoodeh. I am sure he is a lovely, very forward thinking all around nice guy. But really, if you are going to write something like this... sort of Homer Simpson/Archie Bunker wrapped in Judith Martin, don't come at the gays with a Broadway show tune. And really, dude.. not Wicked, it's pretty much ours.

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