Monday, February 15, 2010

HAPPY President's Day!

It's a double happy all around Chinese New Year and our own Presidents day. Let's do a test, I promise I won't cheat:

Obama - Bush II - Clinton - Bush I - Reagan - Carter - Ford - Nixon - Johnson - Kennedy - Eisenhower - FDR - Hoover - Coolidge - Harding - Wilson - Taft - T. Roosevelt........ ...... some other guys with beards.... Grant - Johnson - Lincoln - some old white dudes looking stern in paintings... Martin Van Burren - Andrew Jackson -Adams II - Monroe - Maddison - Jefferson - Adams I - Washington.... and with out any school house rock!

How's that hope-ie/change-ie thing working out for you?

Barack Obama is not affected by kryptonite.

Yes, the lgbt-ers are all up in arms, but HE IS WORKING ON THINGS!, and yes , the hard core peace-niks are not happy, and yes the economy is still not what it should be , on and on and on and on. BUT, come on kiddies, it is quantum better than if Senator Snow Miser and his loony tune of a running mate ( invade eye-ran now! ) were in the White House!
So lighten up a bit people....


Anonymous said...

missed Truman

Kyle said...

ooops, and Truman!