Sunday, February 21, 2010

Who is driving the G.O.P. bus ?

So, not only did the CPAC crazies spank half Governor Palin by putting her way past steerage in their little straw poll ( Crazy poster child Rep. Ron Paul won, big..) BUT, then they asked the gathered Cheney Drones to list what ....well, you can read. I mean, even if you lump us homos in with the promoting traditional values (which really means keeping the women folk all preggers and in the kitchen..) The Cpackers don't give a fuzzy rats patootie about the gay marriage.
Half of CPAC are college kids, who as we all know, grew up watching the Real World and Will and Grace was already in re-runs, but still. You had the major powers that be come before this convention, grovel, grovel, and come away with a big ole "MEH" when it comes to marriage equality.
NOW II, Look at the ONLY thing below that... like I said, kids, who don't care about the health care.

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