Tuesday, January 4, 2011

homeward bound , Don Larsen edtion

( some hard core 80's to start off this NEW decade! )

Up and at'em, Atom Ant! Sideways Paul got up to make us coffee and see us off.
Koda, not really awake yet spending a little more time in his spot for the last couple of weeks. ( we may have to get a bigger kitchen table )
We were well on the road by 5:30 am, beating any Atlanta traffic, sun came up Tennesseeish...
waved to our pals in Lexington, Ky.
Koda kept inching closer and closer....
Would not be the Holidays with out some Coneys from Gold Star Chili !
Baby, If you've ever wondered.......
Script Ohio!
Zipping towards their lake.... the wilds of Erie
Bright lights - big city, Hit Mendon just a little bit after ten o'clock.

I hit the wall on Sunday, and had to  come home, just the way I am. So, weather checked , car all packed we were up and out early Monday morning. Sun came  up over the hills of Tennessee revealing a beautiful, sunny, cloudless day. Happy driving...
North, ever north , we traveled, the sky only getting more bright blue , bone dry and all, not  even any snow on the sides of the road. Kentucky gave way to Ohio, Ohio to the little spit of Pennsylvania, into the Empire State, not a flake, not an  ice patch, not a worry... really! We were both afraid to say anything about it, fearing the wrath of old man Winter,  but smooth sailing, the smoothest ever. Crank the XM... MSMBC , Out Q and Broadway ( with the " new wave" while Neil slept) and we were home in a flash!

1 comment:

CrankyProfessor said...

ONE of these days you're going to have to stop for coffee with me and the 'rental Units!