Thursday, June 30, 2011
going to the chapel
I really got a lot done today, was just all over town, doing this and that getting ready for the Wedding on Saturday.Most out of character, I was an organized machine! I did have one little bump in the road, when MY Wegman's did not have something I wanted, and ( AND ) they guy who told me they did not carry this product had a tiny bit of an attitude! BOTH of these things very very rare for the worlds greatest grocery store! So, I left the big Wegmans and went over to Dahns less snooty Wegman's and they had it.
a request
As far as I know, and I could be wrong on this one, the k+b does not have a prayer chain or calling tree... maybe we should work on this.
All of yall send good thoughts out into the universe, lets cover all of our bases here, Hindu, Druid, FSM, Animist, etc. - all of you, think happy thoughts for good pal and long time reader of the k+b Dana " Fireball " Moseley, as she goes under the knife to give up a kidney for her husband tomorrow. Steve too, as he will be under a different knife, waiting for the kidney.
I did not even take Neil a cup of coffee this morning.
" And why the sea is boiling hot-- And whether pigs have wings."
We did make it down to the swimming hole yesterday, and this morning we had a play date, sans camera! with our very good pal Teddy and the three Cocker Spaniels.. SO damn much going on, still reeling from last Friday, the Gay extreme left - really, just a van load of Sophomores from Tufts or somewhere - all pissy and chucking things at the HRC. Barak and Michelle hosted a tea dance where our g.p. D. Savage got his Americablog on, etc, etc. , etc....
BUT, I have to PRAY for good weather Saturday morning, and get ready for the " small tea/reception" that has grown into something much larger.
ALL this will come as soon as I can. AND, a note to Tony Award winner Frances McDormand. JUST because the world was in an uproar, does NOT mean you are off the hook. Your time on the k+b, even this late in the game, ( when everyone else has moved on to wtf was Julia Roberts thinking) - is coming. Some crimes against nature are so grave and heinous that there IS no statue of limitations.
OH YEAH... and THE CAMBRIDGES are coming to Los Angeles !!!!
Dan Savage, Keith Olbermann and Karl Rove walk into the Eugine O'Neil theater
No one, as far as I know, had a duck on their head.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Neil is going to get so tired of me yelling at the tv and computer for the next year and a half.
John Quincy Adams was 8 freaking years old in 1776.
She has mastered answering the question you want to answer , not what was asked, which WILL BE THE DOWNFALL OF OUR REPUBLIC. Same interview she , again, called for the end of the MINIMUM WAGE as a way to put people back to work. Your 2011 GOP going head strong into the 19th century!
I have a wedding on Saturday, 100ish people, that HAS to be outside. No real option and no tent. So, you closer to God types... get to work.
A match made in retail heaven
Bloomberg Business via the AJC is telling us that once uber top drawer ( now part of some global INC that offers of all things extra slim fitting shirts... why', back in my day your bbbd could double as a sail, if need be...) BROOKS BROTHERS is teaming up with certain NCAA schools to slap some logos on some pants n stuff.
"According to Bloomberg business wire, Brooks Brothers, the alleged “oldest” and probably “stuffiest” men’s clothier chain in the U.S., has deemed UGA worthy of its first attempt at licensed college merchandise.Fifteen schools made the cut, and a few of them don’t even have decent football teams. Brooks Brothers included a string of Southern schools because, according to the Bloomberg article, men here like to “wear ties” to football games. We also like to stick bottles of Jack Daniels in our boots, so hopefully the distillery and Tony Lama will call soon.
The Bloomberg article says college sports fans spend more money than followers of any pro sport. It’s a good thing we’ve got the NCAA around to keep the sins of cash away from student-athletes.
Gawker, in a factually-challenged attempt at humor, says Brooks Brothers has “inadvertently revealed America’s whitest colleges.”
Here’s the complete list:
* Alabama
* Auburn
* Boston College
* Cornell
* Georgia
* Georgetown
* Harvard
* Notre Dame
* Ohio State
* Princeton
* Stanford
* U.S. Naval Academy
* Vanderbilt
* Virginia
Monday, June 27, 2011
I love this theater. Pittsford, NY, you can wear flip flops to the movie, think about that....
The Tree of Life
I have no idea what to say about this movie. I wrote on facebook, my one sentence review : Terrence Malick's TREE OF LIFE : Stanley Kubrick directs a Pat Conroy story, as imagined by David Lynch.
I've been sitting here in front of the computer tying to put down what I think about his movie. There is no " normal " story. I mean other than the big bang, and the primordial soup that life comes from, dinosaurs , their meteor.. then some snippets of life from a very normal family in the 1950's in Waco, Texas.
I just wrote a long review of this movie... and it made no sense at all.
There is life, lot of death, many injured things. ( dinosaurs, people [ he favors scared children, you KNOW I would pick up on that] dogs, frogs, it goes on and on ) Lots of church, a Conroy-esqe view of maternal perfection and MUCH anger at the father - that you never really understand . Then the grown up child ( Sean Penn ) walks through a door that is standing on some odd salt flat.. and then a lot of people walk around a beach. All is some very stylish rooms.
Someone go see this damn movie so I can talk about it with you.
I've been sitting here in front of the computer tying to put down what I think about his movie. There is no " normal " story. I mean other than the big bang, and the primordial soup that life comes from, dinosaurs , their meteor.. then some snippets of life from a very normal family in the 1950's in Waco, Texas.
I just wrote a long review of this movie... and it made no sense at all.
There is life, lot of death, many injured things. ( dinosaurs, people [ he favors scared children, you KNOW I would pick up on that] dogs, frogs, it goes on and on ) Lots of church, a Conroy-esqe view of maternal perfection and MUCH anger at the father - that you never really understand . Then the grown up child ( Sean Penn ) walks through a door that is standing on some odd salt flat.. and then a lot of people walk around a beach. All is some very stylish rooms.
Someone go see this damn movie so I can talk about it with you.
" LOVE " her
(Get it? We are so darn clever. Care nothing about tennis , unlike half the homos on the planet that are obsessed about it. )
The Cambridge's hit Wimbledon
Cathrine, Duchess of Cambridge
wearing a dress from Temperley.
The Cambridge's hit Wimbledon
Cathrine, Duchess of Cambridge
wearing a dress from Temperley.
All this mess in New York has meant taking our eye off the only two people on the planet that really matter. You all have missed some hats and coat dresses that were spectacular. ( ALBANY made us take our eye off ROYAL ASCOT - could you EVER have imagined ??? ) Our Miss Cathy does love white. This dress is too over worked for the fashion staff here at the k+b, BUT we do like the youth of it. THIS is a whole lot of skin for the Royal Box at Wimbledon.
And in keeping with this weeks theme , GAY! GAY! GAY! GAY! GAY!. We bring you :
Lesbians in Pearls:
I just told Neil, " As important as marriage equality in New York is, BJK and I am assuming her wife, sitting RIGHT BEHIND the future King and Queen, is as well" This war is so over.....
Turn your watch, turn your watch back, about a hundred thousand years. A hundred thousand years.
SO, imagine my glee this morning to wake up to the collective " minds " of the industry that is anti-gay USA all having a full out two- year- old- in- the- grocery- store melt down. " yeah well, we told you the world was going to end after Canada and Massachusetts ... but this time its real, we mean it! "
I don't know if it is a personal character flaw or just the pure love of schadenfreude that makes me spend hours happily lost in the comments on the NOM page, or the NY POST or FOX NEWS, these folks are very very unhappy, and I think I am supposed to be at MANY MANY houses today to take away freedoms, teach a sex ed class to pre kindergarten... something.
New York becoming a state that does not discriminate against any of its citizens when it comes to marriage IS damn important. Like I have said before, this is not some Ivy filtered kooky New England right to marry - this is where ALL the national news comes from. At least the news that does not come from Washington DC, which ALSO has marriage equality. This is the third most populated state in the country. AND something that may have slipped my Southern readers mind - just because it is too far fetched to comprehend - the law was passed by a REPUBLICAN led Senate. NY MARRIAGE EQUALITY brought to you by the GOP.
It was not snuck in some huge bill, quick get it in before anyone notices, it was fought over, tooth and nail, over many election cycles, with some mega point headlines. No matter what the right wing wants folks to believe, this was hashed out in the streets of New York, big time. It was also voted into law by Roman Catholics.. which is what scares the dresses off of the Catholic hierarchy . For years American Catholic laity has been in favor of ssm. The powers that be there are losing , and they know it. ( see: contraception )
The question now ,( other than, where will the juggernaut that was the fight for marriage equality turn , now that NY is won ) the question now is where will this lead Barack Obama and the rest of the Democratic party. Some very strange bedfellows here... ( not that the Dems have not always been ) The NYT , so often accused of being the water boy for President Obama goes after him this morning for , well, being a coward when it comes to ssm:
After he took office, it became evident that Republicans intended to portray him as a radical, out-of-touch leftist no matter what he did. Supporting same-sex marriage at this point is hardly going to change that drumbeat, and any voter for whom that is a make-or-break issue will probably not be an Obama supporter anyway. Firm support for gay marriage is, on the other hand, likely to help him among his cheerless base. Mr. Obama opposes the Defense of Marriage Act and is presiding over the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” He signed the United Nations declaration on gay rights, and allowed the Census to count same-sex relationships. But he has been absent from the biggest and most difficult drive of all.
Public opinion has swung toward acceptance of gay marriage since 2008; five more states and the District of Columbia have lifted marriage bans. Thousands of gay men and lesbians now possess marriage certificates and many former skeptics have come to realize that the moral foundation of the country has been strengthened. It is long past time for the president to catch up. He often criticizes discrimination with the memorable phrase, “that’s not who we are.” Favoring this discrimination should not be who he is. ( the rest )
Over at Americablog they are selling these great t-shirts:
A lovely graduation or wedding gift!
Stick with me here folks, I know you are getting tired of this, and want to go back to some RC fashions and food, WE WILL! I promise. Ya'll know that emotionally blocked Kyle works things out here on this blog. Koda just gets all excited at anything I say at all. Marriage Equality in New York is on the exact same high level of excitement as a new stick or a chipmunk running across the driveway, or getting up to get a second cup of coffee. So, thank you for your patience...
Koda and his gal pal
walk on a stormy Satuarday
.... and thank you God for letting our daddies ( and part time daddies ) get married.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Proud and Powerful
The theme for this years NYC Pride Parade.
Let's address something, right off the bat here. I think all things gay and lesbian related should have GAY AND LESBIAN in big ass pink neon, seriously. You also know that I have no time for the b's , thinking they are just big old sluts, and where as I FULLY SUPPORT, LOVE, HONOR and CHERISH my trans brothers and sisters out there.. if you are not still gay, then... well, you are straight. SO, the fact that all GAY PRIDES are now just PRIDES, sort of works my last GAY nerve. BUT, we are all still way way way too happy to have to go into all of this now.
We covered my Senator, here is my GOVERNOR, Andrew Cuomo, walking down 5th Ave with his POSSLQ ( he wants marriage for us, does not care to do it him self, neither does the Mayor, we are a sinful state ) Food tv hottie and inventor of TABLESCAPING, Ms. Sandra Lee. I believe his Kennedy children were there as well. The red head is Speaker of the New York City Assembly or what ever its called Christine Quinn, an out and proud LESBIAN.Looks like Tom Duane behind them,and Mayor Bloomberg is on the other side of Christine.
I think I am going to just stick with this post to write about today,instead of starting a new one, I like the name. So check back.
OUT ( loud ) for Kirsten
#1) Thank God we can get back to being a fashion blog!
( we have missed SO much together )
MY KICK ASS Progressive Senator at today's Pride March in NYC, in what may just be the PERFECT " Junior Senator from New York, Marching in the Gay Pride Parade" outfit!. We LOVE her!
MUCH MUCH more to come....
Saturday, June 25, 2011
33 - 29
If we can make it here,
we can make it anywhere.
( and they know it )
- The Stonewall Riots : 1969
- Real Marriage Equality in Massachusetts : 2003
- Civil Unions in Vermont : 1999
- Bowers v Hardwick : 1986
- Bill Clinton Signs Doma : 1996
- Equality hits the heartland IOWA : 2009
With a four brave votes in the New York Senate, the Empire State joined Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Washington, DC, in full blown, all out, get me to the church on time, MARRIAGE. Under the above-and-beyond leadership of Governor Andrew Cuomo and NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Sens. James Alesi of Rochester, Roy McDonald of Saratoga Springs, Stephen Saland of Poughkeepsie, and Mark Grisanti of Buffalo all more or less crossed the aisle in Albany to let freedom ring from Montauk to Niagara! There was one no vote from a Democrat, the ever idiotic Ruban Diaz from The Bronx, but he totally showed his true colors with the entire world watching, refusing to yield the floor before the vote, and just being a general ass.
We , Neil and I and , EVERY OTHER HOMOSEXUAL IN THE WORLD, had been on pins and needles for days as the week tarried on. Joy to panic to resolve to gloom and doom, depending on what rumor was tweeted from this person or that newspaper. Elation came early here in Mendon as our Senator was the first Republican out of the gate to say : YES!, I believe all New Yorkers are equal, many thanks to Senator Alesi. Then came McDonald, who is the Senator for Pompanuck, coming out loud and proud in favor of marriage equality with the now sampler worthy " Only second class states have second class citizens ". He also said "You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing. You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing. I'm tired of Republican-Democrat politics. They can take the job and shove it. I come from a blue-collar background. I'm trying to do the right thing, and that's where I'm going with this." But we feel that would be a bit wordy and racy for a sampler! That left us, Wednesday morning, needing just ONE VOTE to go over the top, or maybe it was Tuesday. See, by not blogging about this every day, they just run together. Three Democrats that had voted no in 2009, switched to yes with a little love from Governor Cuomo, the other four had been voted out! Early in the afternoon the word came out from the GOP Senate Majority Leaders office : THE BILL IS ON THE DOCKET.
Quick like little gay bunnies the Democratic controlled state HOUSE, under the leadership of Danny O'Donnell, re-voted on the new GOP bill that carved out all sorts of doo dads and thingamajigs for the Knights of Columbus and the Muslim Brotherhood, all those GOPers scared out of their rep ties that some Hasidic Jewish Bakery was going to be doing wedding cakes with two brides on top.
Forty one years and eleven months ago, no gay man or lesbian was safe in New York City. Well, no OUT gay man or lesbian. You could be arrested for simply walking into certain bars, or really for just looking a certain way in Greenwich Village. Zero rights, everything against the law, even the right to assemble and it has been this way for years. Forty Two years ago, all that changed. June 28th, 1969, folks had enough, and fought back, the three day riots centered on the little hole in the wall bar The Stonewall Inn at 53 Christopher Street. The assorted drag queens, rent boys and party people threw everything they had at the NYPD and started the movement that is now GAY PRIDE ,celebrated all over the world in June. Last night, GLBT folk and our allies gathered again in and around The Stonewall, this time for something a little big more than chucking beer bottles at Officer Krumpkie. Smart phoned and cabled, they waited, as the night dragged on.
OMNIBUS! We heard over and over , all of progressive New York glued to the NEW YORK ASSEMBLY channel on Time Warner or on the internet. Andrew Sullivan said that the normal number watching the New York Senate was around 50, last night the numbers were up around 50,000. The much ballyhooed omnibus bill of a tax cap, new rent control rules and some livery thing came and went with soap boxes galore. Facebook, and twitter were our tools of choice. The Governor got what he wanted from the GOP controlled Senate as all three bills passed. Back the the cheesey Muzak.
BANG, BANG, BANG graveled the one time Rochester Mayor now Lt. Governor ( and all the gay friendly ) Duffy: The Amendments to the Marriage Equality Act. blah, blah and they voted. The yeses win and the internet explodes in rainbows and glitter! WAIT FOLKS... that was just the previews! Slow down. Someone, either Duffy or Leader Skelos had decided that debate would THANKFULLY be limited, as LONG TIME CHAMPION openly gay Manhattan Senator Thomas Duane comes to the microphone and just totally can not get the words he needs to out, so GOP Senator Saland took over. Then Asshat Diaz did his little dog and pony show -Back to a composed Duane, who we love, but he tends to run on AND cry. He did both last night, but Duffy got him to sit after a while. Then Grisanti wowed the world with his reasons for his vote.
We , Neil and I and , EVERY OTHER HOMOSEXUAL IN THE WORLD, had been on pins and needles for days as the week tarried on. Joy to panic to resolve to gloom and doom, depending on what rumor was tweeted from this person or that newspaper. Elation came early here in Mendon as our Senator was the first Republican out of the gate to say : YES!, I believe all New Yorkers are equal, many thanks to Senator Alesi. Then came McDonald, who is the Senator for Pompanuck, coming out loud and proud in favor of marriage equality with the now sampler worthy " Only second class states have second class citizens ". He also said "You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing. You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing. I'm tired of Republican-Democrat politics. They can take the job and shove it. I come from a blue-collar background. I'm trying to do the right thing, and that's where I'm going with this." But we feel that would be a bit wordy and racy for a sampler! That left us, Wednesday morning, needing just ONE VOTE to go over the top, or maybe it was Tuesday. See, by not blogging about this every day, they just run together. Three Democrats that had voted no in 2009, switched to yes with a little love from Governor Cuomo, the other four had been voted out! Early in the afternoon the word came out from the GOP Senate Majority Leaders office : THE BILL IS ON THE DOCKET.
Quick like little gay bunnies the Democratic controlled state HOUSE, under the leadership of Danny O'Donnell, re-voted on the new GOP bill that carved out all sorts of doo dads and thingamajigs for the Knights of Columbus and the Muslim Brotherhood, all those GOPers scared out of their rep ties that some Hasidic Jewish Bakery was going to be doing wedding cakes with two brides on top.
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1969 |
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2011. I love the fact they are all outside THE STONEWALL |
OMNIBUS! We heard over and over , all of progressive New York glued to the NEW YORK ASSEMBLY channel on Time Warner or on the internet. Andrew Sullivan said that the normal number watching the New York Senate was around 50, last night the numbers were up around 50,000. The much ballyhooed omnibus bill of a tax cap, new rent control rules and some livery thing came and went with soap boxes galore. Facebook, and twitter were our tools of choice. The Governor got what he wanted from the GOP controlled Senate as all three bills passed. Back the the cheesey Muzak.
BANG, BANG, BANG graveled the one time Rochester Mayor now Lt. Governor ( and all the gay friendly ) Duffy: The Amendments to the Marriage Equality Act. blah, blah and they voted. The yeses win and the internet explodes in rainbows and glitter! WAIT FOLKS... that was just the previews! Slow down. Someone, either Duffy or Leader Skelos had decided that debate would THANKFULLY be limited, as LONG TIME CHAMPION openly gay Manhattan Senator Thomas Duane comes to the microphone and just totally can not get the words he needs to out, so GOP Senator Saland took over. Then Asshat Diaz did his little dog and pony show -Back to a composed Duane, who we love, but he tends to run on AND cry. He did both last night, but Duffy got him to sit after a while. Then Grisanti wowed the world with his reasons for his vote.
watch this.
This is how we go forward from here.
" I have done the research , and I believe that a person can be wiser today than yesterday"
He was the last Senator before the vote.
Wow, so this is what this feels like, it had been a while. You have to remember gentle reader, while yall were exploding and not looting post Obama v McCain, my people were licking their wounds as prop 8 passed. As far as BIG wins, this was the first, in a while.
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The Governor then signed the bill on the spot. Thirty days from yesterday, get me to the church on time! A whole lot of Rochester in this photo! |
This morning I was all over the anti gay folks sites, quickly getting banned from a 33 year old little Paul Ryan wannabe weasel of a downstate Senator Ball (less ) ( wishing him luck in any future state or city wide elections as a proven homophobic theocrat ) and the NOM website itself, as they crow over dumping TWO MILLION dollars into New York to overturn this next year. I just told them that Mayor Bloomberg wipes his nose with two million dollars, and is the largest contributor to the NY GOP. Maybe I will cover the right wings LAME antics this morning, maybe not. It totally does not matter, there is no recall device in NY. This is it...
How do I feel? Well, not a whole lot will change or at least any changes that we know of. We are already married , and New York has already given us all we can get, marriage here is icing on the cake! I will be coming back to this in the next few days, but just for today, be outragously happy, that the number of American citizens living in freedom doubled last night. USA indeed!
Did you really think I could do this post with out LIZA?
play it
OH! and for those that do not know : The New York City Pride Parade is tomorrow. " Man, is there gonna be some property destroyed tonight " .
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Updates ALL day long....
stick with me folks, this is going to be really really good, or really really bad.
12:43 - We are going to go with no news is good news. I am just a mess this afternoon.
2:05 - see 12:43
2:20 - Just about at the top of my freak out limit.. really. Rumors are starting to fly. Damn you pill phobia, we have a freaking cornucopia of daddy's little helpers around here...... I'll just take Koda for a nice long walk instead....
4:35 - Things are starting to break... hopefully for the good.
5:20 - sigh... Kyle is a nervous wreck. LOTS and LOTS of folk are saying that we have the thirty second vote AND that they WILL vote tonight. Getting your hopes up this high is just making things worse.
9:19 - I am just wiped out... who knows if they will vote tonight. They really should consider my feelings more thoroughly when deciding these issues.
12:43 - We are going to go with no news is good news. I am just a mess this afternoon.
2:05 - see 12:43
2:20 - Just about at the top of my freak out limit.. really. Rumors are starting to fly. Damn you pill phobia, we have a freaking cornucopia of daddy's little helpers around here...... I'll just take Koda for a nice long walk instead....
4:35 - Things are starting to break... hopefully for the good.
5:20 - sigh... Kyle is a nervous wreck. LOTS and LOTS of folk are saying that we have the thirty second vote AND that they WILL vote tonight. Getting your hopes up this high is just making things worse.
9:19 - I am just wiped out... who knows if they will vote tonight. They really should consider my feelings more thoroughly when deciding these issues.
The longest day of the year, first day of Summer
A hearty welcome
Art Vandelay
Three Hours and forty five minutes
(Three Hours and Forty Five Minutes )
the unabridged full out
Lord of the Rings
book two.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Miss USA 2011 - 51 Delegates Interview (Q2 - Evolution taught in school)
This is such a car crash.. you so so want to turn away, don't look, don't... but then you just can not help yourself. If only they could stick to world peace and longer lasting nail polish.
From the rally in Albany this afternoon.My Newly loved State Senator, getting his righteous anger on.
Looks like I will have to vote for my second Republican , ever....
Looks like I will have to vote for my second Republican , ever....
From the WSJ : ( read the comments )
The Command Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, the service’s top non-commissioned officer, is supposed to be tough, hard-charging — and more than a little intimidating.
In that respect, Sgt. Maj. Micheal Barrett, recently selected to be the senior enlisted adviser to Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos, fits the bill. Sgt. Maj. Barrett has a long military resume, including combat service in Iraq and Afghanistan, and he doesn’t need a microphone to get his point across.
Sgt. Maj. Barrett joined the commandant on a visit last week to Marine bases in the Pacific. It was a chance for Marines to meet their top non-commissioned officer, who recently wrapped up a tour in Afghanistan as the sergeant major of I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), and get his unvarnished opinion on issues of importance to the Corps.
There was Sgt. Maj. Barrett on Marines who fail to meet height and weight standards (“get out and pound pavement!”); on the new automatic rifle the service is issuing (“an amazing weapon”); and of course on the war in Afghanistan (“we are kicking the s— out of the insurgency”).
Sgt. Maj. Barrett also tackled questions on the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the military’s ban on gays serving openly in uniform. The Department of Defense is preparing to implement repeal, and Sgt. Maj. Barrett addressed that issue directly.
“Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution is pretty simple,” he told a group of Marines at a base in South Korea. “It says, ‘Raise an army.’ It says absolutely nothing about race, color, creed, sexual orientation.
“You all joined for a reason: to serve,” he continued. “To protect our nation, right?”
“Yes, sergeant major,” Marines replied.
“How dare we, then, exclude a group of people who want to do the same thing you do right now, something that is honorable and noble?” Sgt. Maj. Barrett continued, raising his voice just a notch. “Right?”
Sgt. Maj. Barrett then described conversations with U.K. troops, who saw a similar ban lifted a decade ago, with little disruption. And to drive the point home, he produced a pocket copy of the Constitution.
“Get over it,” he said. “We’re magnificent, we’re going to continue to be. … Let’s just move on, treat everybody with firmness, fairness, dignity, compassion and respect. Let’s be Marines.”
The Command Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, the service’s top non-commissioned officer, is supposed to be tough, hard-charging — and more than a little intimidating.
In that respect, Sgt. Maj. Micheal Barrett, recently selected to be the senior enlisted adviser to Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos, fits the bill. Sgt. Maj. Barrett has a long military resume, including combat service in Iraq and Afghanistan, and he doesn’t need a microphone to get his point across.
Sgt. Maj. Barrett joined the commandant on a visit last week to Marine bases in the Pacific. It was a chance for Marines to meet their top non-commissioned officer, who recently wrapped up a tour in Afghanistan as the sergeant major of I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), and get his unvarnished opinion on issues of importance to the Corps.
There was Sgt. Maj. Barrett on Marines who fail to meet height and weight standards (“get out and pound pavement!”); on the new automatic rifle the service is issuing (“an amazing weapon”); and of course on the war in Afghanistan (“we are kicking the s— out of the insurgency”).
Sgt. Maj. Barrett also tackled questions on the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the military’s ban on gays serving openly in uniform. The Department of Defense is preparing to implement repeal, and Sgt. Maj. Barrett addressed that issue directly.
“Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution is pretty simple,” he told a group of Marines at a base in South Korea. “It says, ‘Raise an army.’ It says absolutely nothing about race, color, creed, sexual orientation.
“You all joined for a reason: to serve,” he continued. “To protect our nation, right?”
“Yes, sergeant major,” Marines replied.
“How dare we, then, exclude a group of people who want to do the same thing you do right now, something that is honorable and noble?” Sgt. Maj. Barrett continued, raising his voice just a notch. “Right?”
Sgt. Maj. Barrett then described conversations with U.K. troops, who saw a similar ban lifted a decade ago, with little disruption. And to drive the point home, he produced a pocket copy of the Constitution.
“Get over it,” he said. “We’re magnificent, we’re going to continue to be. … Let’s just move on, treat everybody with firmness, fairness, dignity, compassion and respect. Let’s be Marines.”
Rainy days and Mondays
The weather today was perfect.
The battle over Marriage Equality in the New York Senate rages on. The end of the session is near and both sides ( like there is another side ) are getting angry.
Neil, Bryan and a car load of Priests all went over today to join in the caterwaul. I knew what the scene would be like, and chose not to go.
Today was the last scheduled day for this term, so the vote SHOULD have been today, but they always run over.. its New York. They left very early, picking up folks in parking lots all along the thruway... " we got a mighty convoy..."
They lined very narrow halls outside the ornate Senate Lobby that I have shown yall before, just yelling back and forth, "MY Jesus can beat up Your Jesus..". I just cant take this sort of thing anymore, the open animosity. It just seems pointless to me, but I am very glad Neil went, to get a little sanity in this .
Father Bryan
Our cutie patootie local boy and ex Rochester Mayor made good
Lt.Governor DUFFY, a LONG TIME
supporter of Marriage Equality
The Senate Chamber with built in ash trays.
Neil said it was just chaos, and it looks it.
A high stakes game of Red Rover.
Beth said in a comment here that I was not being coherent about my thoughts. So, I will try harder. I just do not deal well with flat out open hate. Come on kiddies , think back, like all that much has changed, Kyle and Confrontation, the road not taken. I left entire Colleges rather than deal with some minor conflict....
Neil said it was just chaos, and it looks it.
A high stakes game of Red Rover.
Beth said in a comment here that I was not being coherent about my thoughts. So, I will try harder. I just do not deal well with flat out open hate. Come on kiddies , think back, like all that much has changed, Kyle and Confrontation, the road not taken. I left entire Colleges rather than deal with some minor conflict....
Here in New York we are ONE solitary vote away from getting to not talk about this anymore. My Republican Senator has come to the light and is voting yes, only one Democrat is voting no. We are on the razor's edge of full out STATE rights in NEW YORK. Not some hippy dippy college tweedy New England, but The Empire State, The Big Apple, If it can make it here it can make it anywhere, and NOM knows this and is in an all out religious war
See, most of you will never ever get this. You FULLY sympathise, and we are MOST thankful, seriously, but for the most part, can not empathise.You are free white and 21, upper middle class , full citizens of the United States with NO ONE gunning for you. No one holds weekly Sunday morning meetings to demonize you, to claim that you will be the ruin of America, saying that you are flat out evil, and that your "family" means nothing.
I am THIN SKINNED, very. I stopped going to Pride here in Rochester, because I hate the megaphone preachers yelling at me. Yes, that means they win, but it just is not worth it. It was different in Atlanta, there were so so many more folk to drown out the haters...
I am THIN SKINNED, very. I stopped going to Pride here in Rochester, because I hate the megaphone preachers yelling at me. Yes, that means they win, but it just is not worth it. It was different in Atlanta, there were so so many more folk to drown out the haters...
I will never put that festering pile of cow shit on my blog, but watch , and just know what we are going through. We are one vote away, ONE, but this creature could easily still win the battle......So, if I am a little incoherent on this topic, its because it is just too close to home for me, raw emotion, that I just don't deal well with. I do not enjoy WANTING something so desperately, and have no power at all to effect getting it, other than what we and many of our friends here in New York have already done. This is so not a pity party of a post, really, I am very hopeful and positive that this will pass. Cuomo and Bloomburg are POWERFUL SMART people.. who , as a rule, get their way.
The great THEY are now claiming the vote will be Wednesday.... stay tuned.
If you are feeling the need for a little more hate in your day, read this breakdown by our good pals over at GOOD AS YOU.
and ANDY on why New York is a BFD.
The great THEY are now claiming the vote will be Wednesday.... stay tuned.
If you are feeling the need for a little more hate in your day, read this breakdown by our good pals over at GOOD AS YOU.
and ANDY on why New York is a BFD.
I KNOW you have been missing your Koda updates!
A little reward for the truly sucky Spring that we had with ALL that rain, the last week or so has just been off the charts nice, warm sunny days, cool starry nights. I'm not even sure which day this is.. but you know, we do the exact same thing every day, just the players on the trail change.
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