Thursday, September 4, 2008

by dawns early light...

Cooler heads prevail this morning, well.. this noon. ( Pookie has decide that she needs to get up at like 4:am to pee and I have about a thirty second window to respond or clean up the mess.. old age is NOT for Sissies with dogs either..)
Last night upset me, really more than it should have. So, forgive some of my more colorful language from the post on the speech. Does the Republican Party not know about GOOGLE? They know all about e-bay with Miss Meg being front and center last night, but has GOOGLE just evaded them? So, so many things that Governor Palin said last night were proven to be false or lies or missteps or whatever by the morning.
The entire scope of the convention seems so backwards looking, so mean spirited , so tired. All over the Internet people are comparing what Giuliani did last night to what Pat Buchanan did in '92, and that is just ... well, odd. "McCain needs to be The President of the United States of America because he was a prisoner of war and hates the New York Times" ? That is really what I am getting out of this.
And , speaking of the Times, and the media there, LOOK AT WHAT KEITH HATH WROUGHT!.. oh my, but the assembled book burners HATE Keith Oblermann to the point of just out right malice towards all of NBC. I love it. Wish the the powers that be a GE had not wimped out and kept him in NYC this go round. And one other thing, Leave Rachel alone!  She is where she is because of who she is. I am so looking forward to her new show, but there are all these rumors around that NBC is de-dyke-ing her. My money is so on Ms Maddow in that fight.
I have no idea what Senator McCain will do tonight, I will watch it, but do not expect anything new. When the much GOP maligned event in Denver was over, I felt ( get ready to roll those eyes) HOPEFUL , honestly. Maybe the Clinton-Bush era of "salting the earth " politics could be over. Maybe there is a way to work together for a real common good. Not so much with these guys , its all " us and them" " San Francisco verses the rest of America"  not much ONE NATION but a WHOLE LOT of UNDER GOD.... 

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