Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Are you ready?
Hell yes!
Damn Right!
Hotty Toddy, Gosh almighty
Who the hell are we?
Flim Flam, Bim Bam
Ole Miss, By Damn!
Its one thing to mess around with the Columbia and Harvard grad, it's another thing all together to start messing with ANY of our S.E.C. brothers and sisters!
 Andrew Mullins, Special assistant to the University Chancellor Robert Khayat, told ABC news that postponing the Presidential debate would be "devastating for the university which has already invested millions in preparation for the debate." Mr. Mullins also noted that " if the Commission of Presidential Debates asks the campus to hold the debate at a later date, he is not sure that Ole Miss would be able to accommodate them" 
Maybe Mrs. McCain can just write a check...

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