Friday, December 19, 2008


Twenty Four hours of sturm und drang, a full day of gay and lesbian hand-wringing angst over President Elect Obama's decision to pick Rick Warren to give the Invocation at his coming Inaugural. Seems like a great big chuck under the wheels of that bus that a HUGE number of the glbt set worked so hard to drive while you were running Mr. President. But fine.....
Bring that bitch ass Hawaiian shirt wearing, pride of backward Orange County to the stage. Bring him more to the forefront that he already is. Let's see him in his full anti gay, anti woman's right to chose, anti EVOLUTION ( wtf??) self. Shine that light on his California Baptist College degreed self at the party with the pride of the Ivy League. Let him come up there and give his candy coated hate to the world, the more the man talks , the more transparent he becomes. A man who time has passed by, the tiniest of footnotes in history. A small man who found a great big old church of lemmings to lead. Let him start off the whole show, because you are going to close with the real deal. 
I , like every other awake progressive in the country was pretty much shocked by this choice, but it really should not have been a surprise. President Obama is not , as I said on this blog 1000 times any more than a damn good politician. If parts of America saw him as more than that, that's our own fault. But, that said, I was feeling pretty blue ( and again angry ) about the choice until I read Pam Spaulding's blog this morning ( if you are not reading her, start.. she is VERY good )
Reverend Joseph Lowery will be giving the benediction of the Inauguration. He will wipe the floor with Mr Mega Church. He is on the side of the angels. Watch this clip of him at Mrs. King's funeral. Listen to what he has the righteous anger, and faith, and stature to say, in front of President Bush. This is a man of light, this is a man of God, this is a man who " gets it" .
Bring on your paunchy yuppie preacher , We have this:

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