Monday, December 8, 2008

Jan Kemp, ex-UGA whistleblower, dead at 59

I think it is hard for  people who were not engaged with the polity of Athens Ga in the early 1980's  ( if not now - and NOT just Athens, I am sure, ANY football obsessed college town..) to understand what Dr Kemp did. 
Think Mormon Church in Salt Lake City. Think Catholic Church in 16th century Spain. She did the un-thinkable, she questioned the FOOTBALL PROGRAM! She dared say that the kids on the playing field needed to be in college as well. HERESY!. She was fired, naturally . Sued and won. It was a HUGE story in the South, and to some extent across the country.
59 years old and died of Alzheimer's. Think about how young she was to have had such moxie. Too sad.

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