Monday, December 15, 2008

The Smack Down... that was not.

What the hell was I thinking ? That my cockeyed optimist , Martha Stewart loving ," tie a plaid ribbon it it" self could EVER compete with the Day-Polk-Fink ( etc) axis of Christmas angst. I bow to my masters ... and really, don't EVER make me watch the playboy Christmas with the nekkid elves again! I hang my head in holly covered shame , and take Koda for a walk with this in my head.  ( Christmas with cocktails and some uppers.. just the way G_D intended..... )


Anonymous said...

Dood, you got pwn3d!!!

Seriously though, you were up against the Three Weird Sisters of Piedmont Hills. Twisted individuals who, as children, made up songs like "Cesspool Hattie" (our version of Jim Stafford's "Swamp Witch Hattie" performed here for you by some redneck guy in Louisiana) and then illustrated the concept through artistic renderings.

Resistance was futile.

b said...

But. . . but . . . we were just getting started! We were saving the best for last! I was having so much fun . . .except for getting that Gunther tune in my head.