Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mixed Nuts

Yeah , yeah, yeah, the Faux News set whipped up a frothy LARGE crowd to bitch and moan and be racist assholes there in D.C. today. I am sure by morning the numbers will be up to three , four million massed there in front of the Capitol.

Big, fat, hairy deal. There were MASSIVE anti-war/anti-Bush rallies all over the country... and looks like we are still a-war-in. Let them have their little pre pubescent rants. The more that non ditto heads ( the VAST majority of the country) see these wack jobs all over their tv's -  the closer we are to true world domination, killing your grand mother and a few random forced sex changes.

Update: YEP!  TWO MILLION PLUS [ grain of salt ] and growing.... by morning , it will be even more. To repeat: Big Fat Hairy Deal, what those two million DON'T have:

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