I have just lost all track of time. Today is: __________.
I'm fine with New Years Eve, but other than that, a little lost. My dear , dear friends, Susan and Paul DO NOT HAVE CABLE TV! and since I tell what day it is by which person is hosting the C-Span morning show......
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 2008..... there.
Let's backtrack, see just how we got to this advanced date, all on our own:
- Thursday, December 25th: Merry Christmas! We drove down here, a really vile motel 6 and the waffle house. Move on......
- Friday, December 26th: We arrived all safe and sound to the brand spanking new town of Dunwoody! Then did our running around , downtown.
- Saturday, December 27th: A very rare gathering of the ancient tribe of bip-kip-bobeye-bubba and tuna at Dana and Steve Mosley's lovely Gwinnett County home. A full blown beer soaked time was had by all. Many, MANY surprises, and those that know me well know how much I love the surprise. Laura and John were not there, Thad and Denise were! surprise! Angela and Binky are leaving Connecticut and moving back to Atlanta! Surprise! BG's mother pops in on us.... surprise! It was a very fun night, gumbo, dancing, and more beer.Even breakfast. The Mosley's know how to show a homeward boy a good time

Sunday, December 28th : WINDER! We couldn't make it down for Christmas day, but had made it a few days later. Always good to go home, even if just for a day.

and the new PRIDE OF WINDER:

Monday, December 29th: did nothing, hung out here in Dunwoody
Tuesday, December 30th: We went to see
BENJAMIN BUTTON , (I'll write about it later) came back here, got pizza and watched more movies.
Which brings us up to date, and it's looking like today is chock full of promise!