Thursday, January 21, 2010

Scott Brown.... Superstar!

" Do you think you're what they say you are ."

Thank God for Scott Brown!
He can go down to Washington DC, as the 41st Republican Senator and put an end to the Fascist/Socialist/Communist/Nazish horror that has been the first year of the Obama administration! He has a lot of work to do, this man of the people, just look at the extreme left wing agenda that the Kenyan has held to so far : ( thanks to the DailyKos for the list)
  • The Banks have been nationalized
  • the stimulus was twice as large
  • full blown single payer health care is a reality for the U.S.
  • card-check blew through Congress, the Unions win!
  • immigration amnesty has been legislated, all those new Democrats in Texas!
  • Dick Cheney is in prison for his war crimes. ( and just for kicks , Liz is too! )
  • No troops left in IRAQ.. and fast pulling our of Afghanistan
  • DOMA and DADT are but a distant memory and marriage equality is from sea to shining sea!
What a hell hole the country must be!
But.... matter what Fox News is telling you: ( and much to my chagrin) NONE OF THIS HAS HAPPENED!

The tiniest bit of Insurance reform was attempted and has so far failed. I mean the majority of the country voted for the President to come in and reform health care, but the minority and the bottomless pit of money from the business of health care stopped that. The banks are going to make the most money they ever have this year! Whoopee ! The deep dark recession of '09 is over!

AND! Breaking right now, as I type, the SCOTUS, has just said that Major Corporations can spend ALL they want during any election ... taking us even farther down that road.

I broke my no-tv rule last night and watched some of the talking heads from both sides. As usual, the most sane voice came from John Stewart. We really need to figure out why that is. Keith and Rachel all gloom and doom , and the Fox set all " the end is nigh for Obama", Zombie Reagan returning from the grave.

" Anger " seems to be the word everyone is using about the election of Mr. Brown. Well, anger and "ineptness" when it comes to Ms. Coakley. I have been reading a lot, and from what I can tell , this was not really a bell weather event. I mean, Massachusetts, I mean, the health care debate is over in that state... the marriage issue , too. Just odd that this is where the tea party Messiah would come from.

I have not really found anything about this yet, but have not looked that hard. BUT , does anyone think that a woman could be a naked centerfold and still be elected to the US Senate? Seriously odd times we are living in folks. This coming second American Revolution will not only be televised , but it will be using VERY small and easy to understand words...

" I drive a truck....."

AND, then to confuse things just a tiny bit more, comes a little bit of math from myexandrewsullivan, well someone one else, but I got it from Andy-baby.

- The original Constitutional compromise giving two Senate seats to every state, large or small;
- The post-Constitutional patterns of population growth, which leave California with nearly 37 million people and Wyoming with just over half a million; and
- The very recent practice of subjecting almost every Senate action to the threat of filibuster, which requires 60 votes to surmount...

.. means that in theory Senators representing only 12% of the U.S. population could block efforts that Senators representing the other 88% support.

In reality, the pattern is not that extreme. The Republican minority in the Senate includes some from highly-populated states -- two from Texas, one each from Florida and Ohio. The Democratic majority includes some from low-population states -- both from Delaware and West Virginia, one each from Alaska and Nebraska.

So in reality, what's the population balance? Counting the new Republican Senator Scott Brown from Massachusetts, the 41 Republicans in the Senate come from states representing just over 36.5 percent of the total US population. The 59 others (Democratic plus 2 Independent) represent just under 63.5 percent. (Taking 2009 state populations from here. If you count up the totals and split a state's population when it has a spit delegation, you end up with about 112.3 million Republican, 194.7 million Democratic + Indep. Before Brown's election, it was about 198 million Democratic + Ind, 109 million Republican.)

Let's round the figures to 63/37 and apply them to the health care debate. Senators representing 63 percent of the public vote for the bill; those representing 37 percent vote against it. The bill fails.

This is just as a point of information. The Constitution was designed as a system of checks and balances. As explained in my article, that image is being replaced by one of brakes:
"In their book on effective government, William Eggers and John O'Leary quote a former deputy mayor of Los Angeles, Michael Keeley, on why the city is out of control. "Think of city government as a big bus," he told them. "The bus is divided into different sections with different constituencies: labor, the city council, the mayor, interest groups, and contractors. Every seat is equipped with a brake, so lots of people can stop the bus anytime. The problem is that this makes the bus undrivable." "

1 comment:

b said...

OK, this campaign contribution thing? the sky just fell. It's the end of the world as we know it. The end is nigh . . .