Wednesday, September 1, 2010


LOOK! Something different.
Non-bbq Chicken on the grill
A lovely baked stuffed tomato
Oniony Mustardy Brussel Sprouts

I went a little nuts earlier in the week when my farm stand pal had a great big tomato picking. Last year we were sailing along with our fresh homegrown tomato Summer, when some creepy mold blight thing hit, and one day, tomatoes! the next, NOT!
So, I bought a LOT of tomatoes while they were there. So funny , as a kid, I would not get near one, now a good fresh real Summer tomato is close to my favorite thing. I stuffed these tomatoes with cooked long grain white rice, basil, cooked onions/garlic, Parmesan cheese ,and just a tablespoon full of sour cream to bring it all together. I had never done this before, just sort of made it up. Next time, a little bit more sour cream ( or a melty cheese ) and maybe some butter. These were very healthy and still very good!

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