Saturday, September 18, 2010

Funeral for a Friend

(Right off the bat, I took crappy pictures yesterday. The largest Moopah gathering in a decade, and my camera skills were off. For a while the camera was set on video instead of picture, so I have a several 2 second movies.)

SRO for Jimmy's memorial service. This is a big room, it was full, they put folding chairs along the sides, they were full, this is taken from the last row, and the space behind us was full. There were people stretching down the hall. Just a huge crowd, with all their friends and all of Max's. We got there a little bit late, but Jodi and Diane saved us a seat.
Jimmy's dad spoke, Max, Jimmy and Janie's son did a wonderful job speaking, and an old high school friend of Jimmy's rounded it out. The preacher/mc was a little fire and brimstone-alter callie, but other than that , it was just fine.
Wonderful to see Moopah Bruce! I did not know he had to go straight back to B'ham, so we did not get to chat much.
A little bit of a cluster while we were leaving, but everyone ended up over at Jimmy and Janie's, which was just right down Peachtree from the funeral home.
Putting the fun back in funeral. Exactly what Jimmy would have wanted.
Wolf, Dan, Dave, Dedee.
Neil and I made the beer run on the way over, but there was LOTS there.
A little front yard party, the house was crowded.
Spilling out into the street. I really like this picture.
Butler striking his full on Captain America pose.
Jodi and Celia
The ex Mr and Mrs. Mulldoon.
Jeff was happy to see us.
Jane and Celia
Jodi and Diane
Danno and Dedee
and everyone was in the kitchen.....
Jane and Evelyn leave.
Part of the food, there really was a lot there.
This is the salad that Susan and I took. It really is yummy.

Summer Tomatoes with Fresh Peach Basil Vinaigrette
  • 1/3 cup white balsamic vinegar
  • 1 garlic clove minced
  • 2tbl brown sugar
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 2tbl olive oil
  • 1 large peach chopped
  • 1 1/2 tbl chopped fresh basil.
I doubled the dressing, and just kept it all separate , Susan put it all together once we got there. I think marinating the cubed peaches in the vinaigrette for a bit, then pouring over the tomatoes is the way to go

Most people brought sweets. Think chicken people!
But, you know I could not resist a pink cake.
really, sweets just everywhere.
B.Day had french tipped toes
Janie and Betsy
Every time you start drinking, it gets dark and your camera lens does not open all the way. It really was a good send off for my friend. He would have enjoyed it.

1 comment:

b said...

Those tomatoes were to-die-for. If you had not made Susan's recipe, I wouldn't have had anything to eat. Thanks for sharing the recipe. And for posting all these great pics.