Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Michael, Michael, Michael.. they are going to come for your card! NOT knowing the words to THIS song !?! Let's hope Idina got LOTS of Spring 2011 out of this.


CrankyProfessor said...

Um- must be a different Michael. I don't even know what song it is she's stylin'

Kyle said...

Dr. Tinkler : Many many gay men really enjoy a Broadway showtune, AND , I've heard that some follow fashion. This would be Idina Menzel and Michael Kors. ( some gay men , a tiny TINY minority vote for Republicans )

Kyle said...

Dr. Tinkler : Many many gay men really enjoy a Broadway showtune, AND , I've heard that some follow fashion. This would be Idina Menzel and Michael Kors. ( some gay men , a tiny TINY minority vote for Republicans )

CrankyProfessor said...

If you're surprised that Michael Kors doesn't know the lyrics to some showtune you might be appalled to discover what button he pushes (not that we no longer pull levers in NYS).

Kyle said...

cause he is rich and white he is going to vote like you? don't be an ass, he is a good homo!