Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pogo and the Waves.

The latest media Frankenstein is this nut-job , A-hole of a " preacher " in Gainesville, Florida. Now, we all know that NOTHING good can come out of Gainesville , Florida, enough said. But, COME ON MEDIA!! IGNORE this waste of organs, really.

Some minor blip of a red neck country preacher decided he and his inbred flock of sheep are going to burn some Korans, and you people go coo-coo for co-co puffs over him. Rabid media star de'jour!
He is not a new face/tinfoil hat to homo press , at all. This Man-of-God lost his holy shit when his little orange and blue hometown of Gainesville elected themselves an openly gay mayor. He was calling down the locusts and frogs, doing all sorts of nasty things to poor hard working civil servant , Craig Lowe.

Note to ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, FOX, NYT, NYPOST, WaPo, et al : Don't shine such bright lights on these freak shows and they will all go away! You , and now Five Star Generals and the State Department all have your panties in a wad over some flea of a human, who if you just ignore, will go away.

Please, for the love of all that is good in the world, you have already released the Palins on us, stop this madness. When a little mole pops out of its hole, you whack it, you don't put it on the Evening News....

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