Wednesday, September 29, 2010

When I say "oli" , you say " garchy" : Oli-garchy! Oli-garchy!

Ol•i•gar•chy : a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.

Ok, lets start off with no one loves all that New York City Gilded Age stuff more than I do. Me and Edith go way back. Come on, changing  your cloths 6 times a day, and sit down dinners for 40, men with leaves on their heads?  Four words for the picture above of an 1890 New York dinner party : Best Gay Bar Ever !!!
BUT, just because I like reading about fancy history does not mean I care to relive it.... 
This is long, but watch it:

The Rachel Maddow Show has spent hours on the influence of the Koch Brothers inside the American " TEA " party, and a MUST READ from the New Yorker. Turd Blossom, aka : Karl Rove has a 527 group zipping around the country handing out money to would be torturers congress people by the truck load 91% of all this big money coming from three billionaires, most all of it from big oil. But the media still parrots the " grass roots" baloney, hook line and sinker.

The real life Gordon Gekko types were in the drivers seat of the eight years of George Bush, and it looks as if non big oil lackey, President Obama has scared the pants off these folks! They are reaching down into those new Gilded Age pockets to make sure that the rich get richer and the poor get children.

Maybe I am naive in thinking that these people have not always run things, other than the FDR is a trader to his class blip. But, at least for a while, it seemed as if they chose to fly under the radar. Greed was not good. But, now with wealth and income disparity reaching those Gilded Age levels they seem to only want more. And no one should kid themselves as to what trough the GOP is feeding at... 

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