Monday, January 11, 2010

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.....

" I am a bear of very simple mind, and long words bother me......" - W.T. Pooh

The circus of my lifetime starts today out in rainbow clad San Francisco : Perry v Schwarzenegger, the case to overthrow Prop 8, The Olsen-Boies Lawyerd trail that I wrote about the other day. AND it is starting off with a bang, as the Big Daddy of them all the United States Supreme Court weighted in 30 minutes before kick-off and said that the lesser Judge out there in California COULD NOT, as he had planned post today's three rings on the You Tube.
Can't "let the light in on the magic", no , no , no... otherwise the goings on up in Washington, D.C. might somehow make it on camera, and everyone would see Justice Scalia's hand up Justice Thomas' robe.
The dark age crowd, the purveyors of Prop 8 claim that their lives would be in danger if the all powerful homo mafia got to see them on the computer.. NOT KIDDING, this is what they are claiming.
None other than the oldest white guy on the planet weighed in from an editorial in today's NYT. Edwin Meese III, President Reagan's own whipping boy, came out with " its all about the babies and boys kissing is icky". The hatemongers want everything they did, their money trail back to Salt Lake City and such to remain all redacted and private. Cause hate and Jesus don't go hand in hand. Those pointed headed liberal judges out in La-La land are " stacking the deck" on the poor downtrodden masses of California , by wanting to .. oh, I don't know, gather facts about the case.

Maggie and the NOM crowd are already allowing that they will lose this go round, but are confident that the SIX out of Nine good Roman Catholics on the Supreme Court, will totally disavow the law and put all their faith in Big Pappa Brown Shirt and his Holy See.

This will take years and years to twist and turn in the winds of the US Federal Court System, being all Damoclesian for all that time. With NO certain outcome , at all. I mean, I think I read somewhere not too long ago, that Scalia and his pet parrot are still out there yammering about the horrors that Bowers v Hardwick have brought to this once great nation.

I spend too much time thinking about this. " Just the facts, Mam....". But I just do not see the logic in the other side. As I have stated till I'm blue in the face : " You have the God and Constitutionally given right to hate all the homos , glbtiq, red and yellow , black and white, folks that you want too...". But, how on God's green earth does my marriage to Neil hurt you? I would never in a million years claim to be anything remotely close to a Biblical Scholar, but I have done, I am guessing, more study and reading on this topic and the bible that your average guy on the street. I unlike the majority of Neil's Churchy set give it to the Right Wing, the Bible agrees with Mr.Meese ( who just may have been around at its writing) :Gays are icky. And too that I add, big fat hairy deal. There are thousands of different Bibles and they say a whole lot of things that don't matter a hill of kosher beans in society. So, why do they get hung up on just these few little lines?

Round and round the suits and robes will argue. Folks will carry signs and holler at one another. More than one will be threaten with burning in hell and all. When to me its just so darn simple. Am I equal to you? Does the Constitution of the United States of America state that I have the same rights as you do? Or does my DNA preclude me from equality in very mundane things, taxes and doctors and such, oh my......
It really is that basic, and the other side, ones that don't see me as equal , do not want me to have even the most basic of human rights. For example, the Haters in Charge in the VERY R.C. state of Rhode Island, yes LIBERAL New England will not ALLOW same sex partners to have any say so in the BURIAL of their partners of forty of fifty years. Again, sadly, not joking....

The k+b will be as diligent as possible keeping up to date news of this trail, I may have already missed something just sitting here these few minutes typing, but like I said, this will be Molasses in Mendon , and nothing really will happen for years and years. ( Scalia is only 73 y.0......)

If you have any interest in this and do the facebook thing here is the money group behind the cause : American Foundation for Equal Rights.

Ted Olson's Opening Statement Today.

During this trial, Plaintiffs and leading experts in the fields of history, psychology, economics and political science will prove three fundamental points:
First – Marriage is vitally important in American society.
Second – By denying gay men and lesbians the right to marry, Proposition 8 works a grievous harm on the plaintiffs and other gay men and lesbians throughout California, and adds yet another chapter to the long history of discrimination they have suffered.
Third – Proposition 8 perpetrates this irreparable, immeasurable, discriminatory harm for no good reason.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One could also argue that the state, or government should not give any tax/monetary advantages or "rights" to any married couples. State sanctioned marriage should be abolished.