Friday, June 26, 2009

HA! We will show you.....

Huge tempest in a antique Limoges tea pot.

The blog-o-gays and media types have for weeks been just going all volcanic over last nights GLBT Democratic fundraiser. 

" I'm not going!" Screamed this queen and that big lesbian!
" I am going" whispered the pink powers that be, and then last night, after all the hoopla, all the protesters out side: THEY RAISED A RECORD AMOUNT OF MONEY ! Last year.. with both Hillary and The President out there courting the gay vote , this event raised $750, ooo. THIS year,  as the White House and Congress are DOING NOTHING FOR US.. they raise a COOL MILLION.   HA! We will show them!

Watch the pride of Auburn trip and stumble over a little dadt question:

Like I have been saying, I do not think the White House is against us, I do not. BUT for what ever reason, and really.. for the life of me, I can not figure it out: They are scared to death of getting near any GLBT issues. What Speaker Pelosi from San Francisco is going to go off on them? Everyone is asking, if not NOW, when you are at the peak of your power, WHEN?

Candidate Obama was that FIERCE ADVOCATE.. President Obama not so much. HOPEFUL! HOPEFUL! HOPEFUL! But, as long as the homo money train is backed up to the DNC.. what could , other than them being decent people, push them a little ??

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