Thursday, June 18, 2009

The White House has a woodshed......

And our pal Barney has been there....

So, The White House takes a stick and pokes the big rainbow hornets nest and is a little shocked when the little disco dancing worker bees get all pissed off. Did he know, didn't he know, does he love us, does he not ??

Some Bush hold over ( not that it matters, BUT it does, Mormon ) Dept. of Justice lawyer in California files his brief in a Federal case on DOMA, saying every nasty 700 Club/ Focus on the Family talking point that we have heard since God was a boy. NOT exactly the change that all the hard working GLBT Obamites were expecting. Our President caught , not being our fierce advocate, but ... very much a detractor!, and still as of YESTERDAY, not really getting it: 
( Jake Tapper, ABC News/ Robert Gibbs, White House press secretary)

TAPPER: Does the president stand by the legal brief that the Justice Department filed last week that argued in favor the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act?

GIBBS: Well, as you know, that the Justice Department is charged with upholding the law of the land, even though the president believes that that law should be repealed.

TAPPER: I understand that, but a lot of legal experts say that the brief didn't have to be as comprehensive and make all the arguments that it made, such as comparing same-sex unions to incestuous ones, in one controversial paragraph...

GIBBS: Well...

TAPPER: ...that's upset a lot of the president's supporters. Does the president stand by the content, the arguments made in that brief?

GIBBS: Well, again, it's the president's Justice Department. And, again, we have the role of upholding the law of the land while the president has stated and will work with Congress to change that law.

The White House is IN SHOCK that the Pink Money train that had be lauding them with all that Hollywood cash came to a screeching halt! There is a BIG fundraiser coming up next week with Vice President Joe Biden as the main speaker,.. and SOME of our leader gays are running away from it like  Posh and a dessert cart!

SO, the White House THROWS TOGETHER Yesterday afternoon's little ( LITTLE) signing ceremony.. to give SOME Federal Employees some VERY oddly worded , mini benefits ( min-bins!). From now on they can put a picture of a same sex spouse on their desk IF there is a Golden Retriever OR a child  dressed in  CREWCUTS is blocking the wedding rings in the pics. Also, and this is serious.. they can have sick leave for any sick child that they may know. Little Johnny down the street has an ear infection.. You are NOT going to work ( This is the problem when you have NO Federal definition of a SS Family!!)

So anyway , the quickly gathered powers that be, sign this little throw away yesterday with Rep. Barney Frank there to witness. Congressman Frank had , RIGHTFULLY come out HARD on the White House just days earlier over the Hateful DOJ Brief, saying all the right things : Till President Obama spanked him yesterday and he comes out with the lap dog view: " It wasn't me, I didn't do it, the President had no choice... on and on."


Sucks to be a proud Yellow Dog when the GOP is freaking leading the way in Marriage Equality ( sit down and shut up, Dr. Tinkler )

This is all flippant and more trite than it should be, but there is just TOO MUCH going on, to get my head around on a busy rainy morning. We are in the trenches here in New York State working with a state Senate that is stocked with NOTHING but people from a Three Stooges reunion party. There is real progress being made in our WAR for our Civil Rights, and we thougt we had someone we could count on in the White House.

Not that we are not used to the heartache... we just did not see this one coming. Cue Ms. Gaynor:

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