Monday, June 8, 2009

Just some Highlights, Tony.....

Really, what was up with the production value of the Tony's last night. Note to next years producers : do not piss off the Teamsters pre game! 
  • The true high point was the closing number by NPH, which is everywhere on line, but I have heard that some readers of the kyle+blog have lives and don't spend your days on bright pink websites, so here it is, with the backstory:

from this mornings NYT
also, when you have a little while watch THIS if you never have, and have 42:25 to spend on a FUN little musical. NPH is quite the performer! Developing a little crush on ole Doogie...

1 comment:

b said...

Thanks. You know I'd be completely left out of most water-cooler conversations if it weren't for you.