Friday, October 23, 2009

" and so it goes...."

This should really come as no surprise to anyone at all , really, BUT, " Me and the Wanker don't know shit about high finance". That said, or typed...

MSNBC is my white noise in the background as I go about my day of running a home for elderly small dogs, ( again, no surprise) . There was just a BREAKING NEWS story about how the pay caps and limits on bonuses on the big Wall Street brokerage houses and banks will drive out the BEST AND THE BRIGHTEST from these firms.

Let's break this down. We are slap dab in the middle of the worst Wall Street / banking crisis in a generation, and for the most part, these gazillionair Wall Street types were the cause of it. These so called best and brightest are the ones that got us here, so we are supposed to be threatened by their bolting? " Don't let the door knob hit you......"

You bring the tar, I'll bring the feathers and the rail , meet me in front of Trinity Wall Street. Kyle gets his Democratic populist groove on.

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