Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Seidman Bar Mitzvah

Andrew Seidman, a former student of Neil's had his bar Mitzvah today, and his family was kind enough to include us.
This is a beautiful synagogue, Temple Sinai. I could not get good pictures, but the ceiling was glass as well. It is supposed to represent a tent, and the two pillars in front are the 10 commandments. Just lovely.

The altar pieces are by the artist Wendell Castle.
I have seen his work in other churches, as well as in the Smithsonian. In a more formal church his natural, " free form" style does not fit in all that well. Here it was just perfect.
The walls of this temple are rough poured concrete with ivy and plants growing up them, and all of nature outdoors. His style here is just perfect.

Ya'll KNOW how much I do love a good noodle kugel!!!! This one was still warm and had a slight hint of citrus. A small post Shabbat reception, a big dinner tonight.
Getting my Hebrew on... seemed like old times.

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