Thursday, December 24, 2009

So, this is Christmas....


I think this has been the longest period of time, since I started the k+b , that I have gone with out an update. Very Sorry.. just been over the top busy, going, going, going and fun, fun, fun. Just recharges my batteries seeing my old friends.

Last night was a very impromptu too dinner party here at Susan and Paul's. MOST FUN, I made some Winder Church Casseroles and some vegan veggies and rice for Brenda. We had a very good time.

BUT! while taking Koda out late last night, I tripped over the springs that hold the pool cover on and twisted my ankle! I'm a hobbler today.

We had family dinner #1 in Winder on Tuesday. My brother and family will be spending Christmas in South Georgia with their new grand baby!

Neil has a shadow when he is on the computer...
Susan was getting into the spirit with her holiday hostess apron!

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