Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Ham and fried chicken, mac and cheese with peppers in it , two different green beans, squash casserole, pine apple casserole, rice salad, some green jello-y thing.


revmutha said...

I can't eat pineapple casserole. So I'm impressed. Of course you impress me all the time. Thanks for blogging about this. Losing my mom was the freakiest thing that ever happened to me. I just wanted a script to follow and there wasn't one because how people deal with their grief is completely individual. So just know that the prayers/good energy/whatever it is are all going up for you in abundance. And we'll be here when you get back. Love you.

b said...

That blueberry congealed salad thing would be fabulous for lunch. If there's any left, bring it my way. Or maybe get the recipe? As if I would ever actually make something that involved Jello