Thursday, March 18, 2010


Roast Chicken
Green Swiss Chard
Chunky Potatoes
Darn, Kyle, yall eat a lot of roasted chickens. Well, yes we do, but come on. This jumbo chicken cost like 4.50 and it a couple of meals worth of bird, and it is not bad for you in any way. Could not be easier: Wash chicken very well... really. Pat dry with paper towels, season inside, tonight was just a quartered onion, salt, black pepper. Brush with just a little bit of olive oil, salt, pepper and Cajun seasoning.
Beautiful green Swiss chard! I love this vegetable.
Caramelize a red onion for a good long time, put it on low and walk away, let it get all sweet and yummy.
add the washed white parts of the chard, and a clove of garlic. A little bit of water. Cook for a bit, five min or so. Add salt and pepper, if I had a lemon , I would have added some lemon juice and zest.
Add the washed green parts, turn up the heat, cook for just a couple of min and then cover and turn off heat for as long as you need to wait. Very , very good!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Awesome awesome pictures. Thanks for the swiss chard idea. Also cool pics of Koda and the irish pants.