Sunday, March 21, 2010

Respite Over.

Just too much.
A lot was going on, just in the air, everywhere, and I sort of tuned out for a bit.
Seriously beautiful weather here in upstate New York the last few days. Koda had his very first swim of the year, just in and out, still a little bit cold! But we had a very nice walk yesterday. Really helped clear the cob webs.
Bright blue skies and shirt sleeves weather, the trail was crowded with everyone out enjoying the first day of Spring. Seems a LOT went on in the couple of days that I was out enjoying the sun.


My pal Dan Choi went a little bit crazy and chained himself to the White House fence this week, after sort of bullrushing the stage as Miss Kathy Griffin was speaking at a HRC sponsored END DADT rally, which was really just a bit of an event for My Life on the D-List. I hope you read about it, if not google. I think it was a very big , and brave deal.
Not everyone agrees.
There is a huge divide with in the gay community, over tactics. All the HRC backed folks, and I am face book pals with several, were all up in arms over his show boating. I am fully in team Choi. There is room with in our movement for Martin and Malcolm.


This could be the best day ever on c-span! Stupakpalooza in the late afternoon. I will write about this later, too.

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